《Collins English Dictionary》
dumps (noun)
- a gloomy state of mind; depression
- (plural) informal, mainly US a place or area, esp one that is squalid, dilapidated, or that tends to be frequented by tramps, etc
dumps (adjective)
- downcast; depressed
dumps 和 depression 都可以表示“沮丧、抑郁”,但是 dumps 是非正式用法。
dumping (noun): 倾销
dumpsite (noun): 垃圾场
gloom, melancholy, sadness, unhappiness
happiness, joy, contentment
《Oxford English Dictionary》
dumps (noun)
- informal, chiefly North American, a state of depression or low spirits
- informal, chiefly North American, a place where rubbish is left
常用于复数形式:in the dumps
- She's been in the dumps ever since her pet cat died. (她的宠物猫死后,她一直情绪低落。)
- He lives in the dumps on the outskirts of town. (他住在城市郊区的贫民窟里。)
- Don't be so dumps, things will get better. (不要这么沮丧,事情会好起来的。)
- The kids found a hidden dumpsite in the forest. (孩子们在森林里发现了一个隐藏的垃圾场。)
More example sentences:
- After failing his exam, he was down in the dumps for days. (考试不及格后,他郁郁不乐了好几天。)
- She threw the empty can into the dump. (她把空罐头扔进了垃圾堆。)
- He felt a sense of dumps when his favorite team lost the game. (当他最喜欢的球队输掉比赛时,他感到很沮丧。)
- The town had become a dump after the factory closed down. (工厂关闭后,这个城镇变成了一个废弃区。)
- She's always in the dumps during the rainy season. (雨季她总是情绪低落。)
- He decided to clean up the dumpsite and turn it into a park. (他决定清理垃圾场并将其改建成公园。)
- His girlfriend left him and he was in the dumps for weeks. (女友离开了他,他郁郁寡欢了好几个星期。)
- The city council plans to build a waste treatment plant near the dump. (市议会计划在垃圾堆附近建设一个废物处理厂。)
- The old house was a dump, but he managed to turn it into a cozy home. (这座旧房子很破旧,但他设法把它改造成了一个舒适的家。)
- She found a stray dog near the dump and decided to adopt it. (她在垃圾堆附近发现了一只流浪狗,决定收养它。)
- He's always bragging about his expensive car, but it's just a dump in my opinion. (他总是吹嘘他那辆昂贵的车,但在我看来,它只是一辆破车。)
- They were forced to live in a dump after losing their home in the fire. (火灾后,他们被迫住在一个破旧的地方。)
- She's feeling a bit dumps today, so let's try to cheer her up. (她今天有点情绪低落,所以让我们试着让她开心起来。)
- He was caught dumping toxic waste into the river. (他被抓到往河里倾倒有毒废物。)
- The city is planning to close the dump and build a recycling center. (该市计划关闭垃圾场,并建设一个回收中心。)
- She dumped her boyfriend after finding out he had been cheating on her. (在发现男友对她不忠后,她把他甩了。)
- He dumped all of his old clothes and bought a new wardrobe. (他把自己所有的旧衣服都扔掉了,买了一整套新衣柜。)
- She was so angry that she dumped her drink on his head. (她非常生气,把饮料倒在了他的头上。)
- The garbage truck comes to collect the trash from the dump every Monday. (垃圾车每周一都会来垃圾堆收集垃圾。)
- He dumped the remains of his lunch in the trash bin. (他把剩饭扔进了垃圾桶。)
- She dumped all of her old files onto the computer's hard drive. (她把所有旧文件都倒进了电脑的硬盘里。)