1. bundled [形容词](计算机)捆绑的,集成的。
2. bundled [形容词] 捆扎的,包裹的。
1. bundled [名词] 捆,包,袋。
2. bundled [名词] 捆绑销售的商品。
1. bundled 与packaged的区别:
- bundled强调多个独立组件或软件的集成搭配。
- packaged则强调产品或服务的整体包装和销售。
1. bundle [名词] 捆,包,袋。
2. bundle [动词] 捆绑,包装。
3. bundle [名词] 大量或多样物品的集合。
1. packaged [形容词] 打包的,包装的。
2. grouped [形容词] 分组的,归类的。
1. unbundled [形容词] 未捆绑的,未打包的。
bundled (adj.):
1. If a number of things are bundled together or if they are bundled, they are packed together inside a container or piece of material.
2. If a product is bundled with another one, the two products are sold together as a single unit.
bundled (adj.):
1. (of computer hardware or software) sold with a number of other products as a package.
2. Tied or wrapped in a bundle.
1. The software is bundled with the computer when you buy it.
2. The bundled package includes a printer, a scanner, and a keyboard.
3. The bundled items were neatly tied with a string.
4. The two products are often bundled together for a discounted price.
5. The bundled software provides additional features for the users.
- The bundled package includes a printer, a scanner, and a keyboard. (这个捆绑销售的套餐包括一台打印机、一个扫描仪和一个键盘。)
- The software is bundled with the computer when you buy it. (当你购买这台电脑时,软件会捆绑在一起提供。)
- The bundled items were neatly tied with a string. (这些捆绑的物品用绳子整齐地捆起来了。)
- The two products are often bundled together for a discounted price. (这两个产品经常一起捆绑销售,享受折扣价。)
- The bundled software provides additional features for the users. (这个捆绑的软件为用户提供了额外的功能。)
- When you purchase the camera, it comes bundled with a memory card. (购买这台相机时,会附带一个内存卡。)
- The bundled package offers great value for money. (这个捆绑套餐物超所值。)
- The bundled services include internet, cable, and phone. (这些捆绑服务包括互联网、有线电视和电话。)
- The bundled items were securely wrapped in plastic. (这些捆绑的物品被牢固地用塑料包装起来。)
- The bundled deal allows customers to save money. (这个捆绑交易让顾客能够省钱。)
- We offer a bundled package of software and hardware. (我们提供软硬件捆绑销售的套餐。)
- The bundled products are available for a limited time only. (这些捆绑产品仅限一定时间内销售。)
- The bundled items were delivered to the customer's doorstep. (捆绑的物品被送到了顾客的家门口。)
- The bundled software provides a seamless user experience. (这个捆绑软件提供了无缝的用户体验。)
- With the bundled package, you get everything you need in one purchase. (通过这个捆绑套餐,你一次购买就能得到你所需的一切。)
- The bundled services are tailored to meet the needs of small businesses. (这些捆绑服务是为满足小型企业的需求而量身定制的。)
- The bundled deal includes a free trial of the software. (这个捆绑交易包括软件的免费试用。)
- The bundled products are compatible with both Mac and PC. (这些捆绑产品适用于Mac和PC两种操作系统。)
- The bundled items were carefully packed to avoid any damage. (这些捆绑的物品被仔细包装以避免任何损坏。)
- The bundled software offers a range of customization options. (这个捆绑软件提供了多种自定义选项。)