fop [fɒp] 1. 浮华的,过分讲究衣着的词语辨析
foppery:n. 浮华,华丽foppish:adj. 浮华的,过分爱美的
foppishly:adv. 浮华地,过分讲究地
foppishness:n. 浮华,过分爱美
fop [fɒp] 1. (尤指旧时的)花花公子,纨绔子弟 2. 爱装扮的人,爱打扮的人词语辨析
foppery:n. 浮华,华丽foppishness:n. 浮华,过分爱美
foppish:adj. 浮华的,过分爱美的
foppishly:adv. 浮华地,过分讲究地
dandy, coxcomb, exquisite, macaroni, popinjay, swell反义词
plainness, simplicity柯林斯词典
fop [fɒp] 1. (尤指旧时的)花花公子,纨绔子弟- He was the perfect fop, always immaculately dressed.
- 他是个完美的花花公子,总是穿着整洁。
- He was a fop, always spending hours in front of the mirror.
- 他是个爱装扮的人,总是花几个小时照镜子。
fop [fɒp] 1. (尤指旧时的)花花公子,纨绔子弟- The fop strutted down the street, attracting attention from passers-by.
- 这个花花公子在街上大摇大摆地走着,吸引了路人的目光。
- She dismissed him as a mere fop, not worth her time.
- 她把他看作一个纯粹爱打扮的人,不值得她花时间。
1. He is a fop who cares more about his appearance than anything else.他是个浮华的人,比起其他任何事情,更关心自己的外貌。 2. The young man dressed like a fop, with his frilly shirt and shiny shoes.
这个年轻人打扮得像个花花公子,穿着褶皱衬衫和亮闪闪的鞋子。 3. She found his foppishness rather off-putting and preferred a more down-to-earth man.
她觉得他过分爱美的样子令人反感,更喜欢一个朴实的男人。 4. He was known as the town fop, always seen in the latest fashion and surrounded by admirers.
他以花花公子的名号闻名于镇上,总是穿着最新潮的衣服,周围总是围绕着一群崇拜者。 5. The fop spent hours getting ready for the party, ensuring that every detail of his outfit was perfect.
这个花花公子为了准备参加晚会,花了几个小时,确保自己的每一个服装细节都是完美的。 6. She dismissed him as a fop, not interested in someone who cared more about his appearance than his character.
她把他当作一个爱打扮的人,对一个更关心外貌而不是品格的人没有兴趣。 7. The fop's extravagant clothing and jewelry drew attention wherever he went.
这个花花公子奢华的服饰和珠宝吸引了他所到之处的注意。 8. He prided himself on being a fop and spent a large portion of his income on expensive clothes.
他以成为一个花花公子为荣,并把大部分收入花在昂贵的衣服上。 9. The fop's behavior was seen as superficial and shallow by those who knew him well.
那些了解他的人认为这个花花公子的行为肤浅而浅薄。 10. The fop's excessive attention to detail in his grooming routine annoyed his roommates.
这个花花公子在打扮方面过分讲究细节,令他的室友们感到厌烦。 11. He was the epitome of a fop, always impeccably dressed and obsessed with his appearance.
他是个花花公子的典范,总是穿着无可挑剔,对外貌着迷。 12. The fop's constant preening and primping in front of the mirror irritated his friends.
这个花花公子在镜子前不断打扮和整理,令他的朋友们感到烦恼。 13. The fop's extravagant lifestyle eventually led to his financial downfall.
这个花花公子奢华的生活方式最终导致了他的财务崩溃。 14. She found his foppish behavior amusing at first, but soon grew tired of his vanity.
起初她觉得他的爱美行为很有趣,但很快就厌倦了他的虚荣。 15. The fop's constant need for attention and admiration made it difficult for him to maintain meaningful relationships.
这个花花公子对关注和赞美的持续需求使他难以维持有意义的关系。 16. The fop's excessive concern with his appearance overshadowed his intelligence and talents.
这个花花公子对外貌过分关注,掩盖了他的智慧和才华。 17. His foppishness was evident in his choice of clothing and accessories.
他的爱装扮在他的服装和配饰选择上显而易见。 18. The fop's affected mannerisms and exaggerated gestures annoyed those around him.
这个花花公子做作的举止和夸张的动作让周围的人感到恼火。 19. The fop's obsession with his appearance bordered on narcissism.
这个花花公子对外貌的痴迷接近自恋。 20. He was a fop in every sense of the word, with his extravagant fashion choices and flamboyant personality.