1. 动词
warn /wɔːrn/
- 警告,告诫(某人)
- 警告(某人)不要做某事
warning /ˈwɔːrnɪŋ/
warning /ˈwɔːrnɪŋ/
- 警告,告诫
warn 和 advise 的区别在于,warn 强调通过警告来提醒某人可能出现的危险或不良后果,而 advise 则强调通过提供建议或忠告来指导某人做出决策。
其他与 warn 相关的词汇包括:warning sign(警示牌)、warn off(警告某人不要靠近)和 warning light(警告灯)。
warn (wɔːrn)
1. verb
- If you warn someone about something, you inform or notify them of it so that they are aware of it.
- If you warn someone not to do something, you advise them not to do it, in order to avoid possible dangers or problems.
2. adjective
If something such as a statement or a piece of advice is warning, it is intended to make you realize that a dangerous situation exists or may arise.
3. countable noun
A warning is a statement or event that indicates that something dangerous, unpleasant, or illegal is likely to happen.
warn /wɔːrn/
1. verb
- Inform someone in advance of an impending or possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation.
- Advise or strongly encourage someone not to do something.
2. adjective
Serving to caution or advise.
3. noun
A statement or event that indicates a possible or impending danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation.
- They warned us of the dangers of driving in such heavy rain.
- The teacher warned the students not to cheat during the exam.
- The weather forecast issued a warning about the approaching storm.
- His warning words made me reconsider my decision.
- The government issued a warning to the public about the potential health risks of the new product.
- The police warned the residents to stay indoors as there had been a series of burglaries in the area. 警方警告居民要待在室内,该地区发生了一系列入室盗窃案。
- The doctor warned him not to eat too much fatty food if he wanted to improve his health. 医生告诫他如果想改善健康状况,不要吃太多脂肪食物。
- The warning signs on the road alerted drivers to the sharp curve ahead. 路上的警示牌提醒司机前方有一个急转弯。
- Her warning words about the potential dangers of the new job made him reconsider his decision. 她对这份新工作的潜在危险发出了警告,使他重新考虑了自己的决定。
- The severe weather warning prompted the cancellation of the outdoor event. 严重的天气预警导致了户外活动的取消。
- The government issued a warning to the public to be cautious of fraudulent schemes. 政府向公众发布了一个警告,要求他们谨防诈骗计划。
- He warned his friend not to invest in the company, as he believed it was a risky venture. 他告诫他的朋友不要投资这家公司,因为他认为这是一个冒险的企业。
- The teacher warned the students not to copy each other's work, as it would be considered cheating. 老师警告学生们不要抄袭对方的作业,因为这将被视为作弊。
- The warning label on the product indicated that it may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. 产品上的警示标签表明它可能会引起某些人的过敏反应。
- His warning tone made it clear that he was serious about the consequences of their actions. 他警告的语气表明他对他们的行为后果十分严肃。
- She warned her children not to talk to strangers or accept anything from them. 她告诫孩子们不要和陌生人说话或接受他们的任何东西。
- The warning sign near the construction site indicated the potential hazards. 建筑工地附近的警示牌指示潜在的危险。
- The captain warned the passengers to fasten their seat belts as they were about to experience turbulence. 机长警告乘客系好安全带,因为他们即将经历气流的颠簸。
- The police warned off the protesters from entering the restricted area. 警方警告抗议者不要进入限制区域。
- The warning light on the dashboard indicated a problem with the engine. 仪表盘上的警告灯显示发动机出现问题。
- The government issued a warning about the potential health risks of consuming certain food products. 政府发布了关于某些食品产品潜在健康风险的警告。
- The hikers were warned of the risk of avalanches in the mountainous region. 徒步旅行者被警告在山区有雪崩的风险。
- The warning from the financial advisor prompted him to reconsider his investment strategy. 理财顾问的警告促使他重新考虑自己的投资策略。
- The company posted a warning on their website, alerting customers to a potential data breach. 公司在网站上发布了一个警告,提醒客户可能存在数据泄露的风险。
- She warned him not to get involved with the criminal organization, as it could lead to serious consequences. 她警告他不要与犯罪组织有牵连,因为这可能导致严重后果。
- The warning signs along the hiking trail cautioned visitors about the presence of bears in the area. 沿着徒步小径的警示牌提醒游客该地区有熊出没。