1. warehousing [形容词] 仓储的;仓库的。
2. warehoused [形容词] 仓储的;存放在仓库的。
1. warehousing [名词] 仓储;仓库业务。
2. warehouse [名词] 仓库;货栈。
1. cargo warehousing [名词] 货物仓储
2. cold storage warehousing [名词] 冷藏仓储
3. bonded warehousing [名词] 保税仓储
storage, depot, stockroom, repository
distribution, dispersal
warehousing (名词) The warehousing of goods or products is the activity of storing them in large buildings called warehouses, so that they can later be collected and taken to shops to be sold.
warehouse (名词) A warehouse is a large building where raw materials or manufactured goods are stored until they are exported or sold.
warehousing (名词) The action or process of storing goods in a warehouse.
warehouse (名词) A large building where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored before their export or distribution for sale.
1. They provide warehousing and distribution services. (他们提供仓储和配送服务。)
2. The company has a large warehouse for storing inventory. (该公司有一个大型仓库用于储存库存。)
- The goods are stored in a warehousing facility near the port. (这些货物存放在港口附近的一个仓库设施中。)
- We need to find a reliable warehousing company to handle our inventory. (我们需要找一个可靠的仓储公司来处理我们的库存。)
- The warehouse provides a secure and efficient storage solution. (这个仓库提供了安全高效的储存解决方案。)
- Our warehousing services include inventory management and order fulfillment. (我们的仓储服务包括库存管理和订单处理。)
- They have invested in automated warehousing systems to streamline their operations. (他们投资了自动化仓储系统以优化他们的运营。)
- The company specializes in bonded warehousing for imported goods. (该公司专门从事进口货物的保税仓储。)
- Warehousing costs can be a significant part of a company's logistics expenses. (仓储成本可能是公司物流开支的一大部分。)
- They have a network of warehouses across the country to ensure prompt delivery. (他们在全国范围内建立了一套仓库网络,以确保及时交付。)
- Efficient warehousing operations are crucial for minimizing inventory holding costs. (高效的仓储运营对于降低库存持有成本至关重要。)
- The company has implemented a barcode system to improve warehousing efficiency. (该公司已经实施了条形码系统以提高仓储效率。)
- The warehouse has a capacity of 10,000 square meters and can store up to 1,000 pallets. (仓库有一万平方米的容量,可存放多达一千个托盘。)
- They offer temperature-controlled warehousing for perishable goods. (他们提供适用于易腐货物的温控仓储。)
- Warehousing facilities need to meet strict safety and security standards. (仓库设施需要符合严格的安全和保安标准。)
- The company has outsourced its warehousing operations to a third-party logistics provider. (该公司已将其仓储运营外包给第三方物流服务提供商。)
- We need to reorganize our warehousing system to improve efficiency. (我们需要重新组织我们的仓储系统以提高效率。)
- The warehouse is equipped with advanced RFID technology for inventory tracking. (仓库配备了先进的RFID技术用于库存跟踪。)
- The company has invested in a state-of-the-art warehousing facility. (该公司投资了一个最先进的仓库设施。)
- They offer cross-docking services as part of their warehousing solutions. (作为他们的仓储解决方案的一部分,他们提供了中转服务。)
- Proper labeling and packaging are essential for efficient warehousing. (适当的标签和包装对于高效的仓储至关重要。)
- The company provides customized warehousing solutions to meet specific customer needs. (该公司提供定制的仓储解决方案以满足特定客户需求。)