形容词 (Adjective)
1. 副的,次要的 (adj.) - 词义:副的,次要的。 - 例句: - She was given a ward position due to her outstanding performance. (她因出色表现被提升为副职。) - The company hired a ward manager to assist the department head. (公司聘请了一位副经理来协助部门负责人。) 2. 防护的,保护的 (adj.) - 词义:防护的,保护的。 - 例句: - The hospital provides ward rounds to ensure patient safety. (医院进行病房巡视,以确保患者安全。) - The security guards are responsible for warding off any potential threats. (保安负责防范任何潜在威胁。)名词 (Noun)
1. 病房,病区 (n.) - 词义:指医院内的病房或病区。 - 例句: - The patient was transferred to a private ward for better care. (病人被转到私人病房进行更好的护理。) - The pediatric ward is located on the third floor of the hospital. (儿科病房位于医院的三楼。) 2. 监护,保护 (n.) - 词义:指对某人的监护或保护。 - 例句: - The child was placed under the ward of his grandparents. (这个孩子被交给了他的祖父母监护。) - The government provided wards for the victims of the natural disaster. (政府为自然灾害的受害者提供保护。)词语辨析 (Differentiation)
- ward off vs. ward away vs. ward aside: - ward off 表示"挡开","避开"。 - Example: The umbrella helped ward off the rain. (伞帮助挡开了雨水。) - ward away 表示"驱散","避开",多用于抽象意义。 - Example: He used humor to ward away his loneliness. (他用幽默来驱散孤独感。) - ward aside 表示"推开","放到一边"。 - Example: She quickly warded the intruder aside. (她迅速将闯入者推到一边。)词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Expansion)
- wardship (n.): 监护,照管。 - Example: The young prince was placed under the wardship of a trusted advisor. (年轻的王子被交给了一位可靠的顾问照管。) - warden (n.): 看守人,监护人。 - Example: The prison warden ensures the safety and security of the inmates. (监狱看守人确保犯人的安全和安宁。)近义词 (Synonyms)
- area (n.): 区域,地区。 - section (n.): 部分,区域。反义词 (Antonyms)
- release (v.): 释放,解除。 - discharge (v.): 出院,解雇。柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
wards (noun) 1. (in various countries) a district into which a city, town, parish, or other area is divided for administration, representation, etc. 2. a room in a hospital, esp. one for patients requiring similar kinds of care. 3. a minor or incompetent person placed under the legal control or protection of a guardian or a court. 4. a person, esp. a minor, who has been legally placed under the protection of a guardian or a court. 5. a division or district of a prison or workhouse, esp. for prisoners who are under arrest or serving a sentence. 6. a defensive position, as in fencing.wards (verb) 1. 3rd person singular present tense of ward (to guard or protect). 2. 3rd person singular present tense of ward (to repel or turn aside).
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
wards (noun) 1. a separate room in a hospital, typically one allocated to a particular type of patient. 2. the action or process of guarding or protecting someone or something. 3. a person, esp. a child, who has been placed under the protection of a legal guardian. 4. a district of a city or town as defined for administrative or electoral purposes. 5. a division of a city, town, or county for administrative or representative purposes. 6. a person, esp. a child, who is legally placed under the care of a guardian. 7. a defensive movement or posture, esp. in fencing.wards (verb) 3rd person singular present tense of ward (guard or protect someone or something).