warroom [noun] (informal): 战略室,作战室
warroom [adjective] (informal): 战略的,作战的
1. (美国) 战略室,作战室: 用于制定和协调战略决策的房间或办公室。
2. (政治或商业) 决策中心: 用于制定政治或商业策略的地方。
战略的,作战的: 与战略或作战有关的。
- Command Center: 指的是一个用于指挥、控制和监控活动的中心,一般用于军事或应急管理领域。
- Control Room: 指的是一个用于监控和控制机械或系统的操作的房间,例如发电厂或交通管制中心。
- Situation Room: 指的是一个用于监控和分析当前局势的房间,特别是政府或军队用来应对危机的。
- war planning [noun]: 战争计划
- military strategy [noun]: 军事战略
- decision-making [noun]: 决策
- coordination [noun]: 协调
- strategic [adjective]: 战略的
- tactical [adjective]: 战术的
command center, control center, operations center
peaceful negotiations, diplomatic discussions
warroom (noun) (informal) a room used for planning and coordinating military or strategic activities
warroom (noun) (informal) a room used by a military or political group for strategic planning and decision-making
- We gathered in the warroom to discuss our military strategy. (我们聚集在战略室讨论我们的军事战略。)
- The campaign team set up a warroom to coordinate their election strategy. (竞选团队建立了一个作战室来协调他们的选举策略。)
- The warroom is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for real-time data analysis. (战略室配备了最先进的技术,用于实时数据分析。)
- The president held a meeting in the warroom to discuss the ongoing crisis. (总统在战略室召开会议,讨论正在发生的危机。)
- The warroom became the nerve center for decision-making during the military operation. (战略室成为了军事行动期间的决策中心。)
- The warroom is where the key strategic decisions are made. (战略室是做出关键战略决策的地方。)
- Our team has been working tirelessly in the warroom to develop a winning strategy. (我们的团队一直在战略室中不辞辛劳地制定一项成功的策略。)
- The warroom is equipped with advanced communication systems to ensure effective coordination. (战略室配备了先进的通信系统,以确保有效的协调。)
- They set up a warroom to monitor the market and respond quickly to changes. (他们设立了一个战略室,以监控市场并迅速应对变化。)
- The warroom was filled with maps, charts, and screens displaying real-time data. (战略室里摆满了地图、图表和显示实时数据的屏幕。)
- The warroom discussions led to a breakthrough in our approach to the problem. (战略室的讨论在我们解决问题的方法上取得了突破。)
- They retreated to the warroom to analyze the situation and devise a new plan. (他们撤到战略室分析局势并制定了新计划。)
- The warroom was buzzing with activity as the team prepared for the upcoming operation. (战略室里一片繁忙的景象,团队正在为即将到来的行动做准备。)
- The warroom provided a secure and confidential environment for sensitive discussions. (战略室为敏感讨论提供了安全和机密的环境。)
- They spent hours brainstorming in the warroom to come up with innovative solutions. (他们在战略室里花了几个小时进行头脑风暴,以提出创新解决方案。)
- The warroom had a large screen displaying live feeds from various intelligence sources. (战略室有一个大屏幕显示来自各种情报来源的实时信息。)
- The warroom was abuzz with intense discussions and heated debates. (战略室里热闹地进行着激烈的讨论和激烈的辩论。)
- They gathered around the table in the warroom, poring over maps and charts. (他们聚在战略室的桌子周围,仔细研究着地图和图表。)
- The warroom became the nerve center for crisis management during the natural disaster. (战略室成为了自然灾害期间的危机管理中心。)
- In the warroom, the team analyzed the risks and devised contingency plans. (在战略室中,团队分析了风险并制定了应急计划。)