1. 战争游戏的 (of or relating to wargames)
1. 战争游戏 (the playing of wargames)
2. 军事模拟游戏 (a simulation game involving strategy and military tactics)
1. Wargaming与War game的区别:
Wargaming是指战争游戏的整个过程,包括游戏设计、规则制定和实际游戏进行;而War game仅指战争游戏的实际进行阶段。
1. Wargamer: 战争游戏爱好者 (a person who plays wargames)
2. Wargame designer: 战争游戏设计师 (a person who creates wargames)
3. Wargame simulation: 战争游戏模拟 (a simulation of a military conflict)
1. War simulation game: 战争模拟游戏
2. Tactical war game: 战术战争游戏
1. Peace game: 和平游戏
2. Nonviolent game: 非暴力游戏
Wargaming (noun): the playing of war games, especially using models of soldiers, vehicles, and buildings
Wargaming (noun): the playing of simulated war games, especially with miniature figures and replica models
1. 我们周末经常聚在一起进行战争游戏。
We often gather together to play wargaming on weekends.
2. 战争游戏可以帮助玩家培养战略思维和决策能力。
Wargaming can help players develop strategic thinking and decision-making skills.
- He is a big fan of wargaming and spends hours strategizing.
- 他是战争游戏的忠实粉丝,经常花几个小时制定策略。
- Wargaming allows players to simulate historical battles.
- 战争游戏让玩家能够模拟历史战役。
- She enjoys the challenge of wargaming and the complexity of military tactics.
- 她喜欢战争游戏的挑战性和军事战术的复杂性。
- Wargaming events are often organized at gaming conventions.
- 战争游戏活动通常在游戏展会上组织。
- They spent the weekend playing wargames with their friends.
- 他们和朋友们度过了一个周末玩战争游戏。
- Wargaming involves strategic planning and tactical decision-making.
- 战争游戏涉及战略规划和战术决策。
- He collects miniature soldiers for his wargaming hobby.
- 他收集微缩士兵作为他的战争游戏爱好。
- Wargaming can be a social activity as players often compete against each other.
- 战争游戏可以是一项社交活动,因为玩家经常相互竞争。
- They organized a wargaming tournament with different scenarios and rules.
- 他们组织了一个战争游戏锦标赛,设定了不同的场景和规则。
- Wargaming requires strategic thinking and an understanding of military history.
- 战争游戏需要战略思维和对军事历史的理解。
- He enjoys painting the miniature figures used in wargaming.
- 他喜欢为战争游戏中使用的微缩人物上色。
- Wargaming can be a way to learn about historical battles and military strategies.
- 战争游戏可以是了解历史战役和军事战略的一种方式。
- They meet regularly to play wargames and discuss strategy.
- 他们定期聚会玩战争游戏并讨论策略。
- Wargaming allows players to recreate famous battles and explore different outcomes.
- 战争游戏可以让玩家重现著名战役并探索不同的结果。
- The wargaming community is passionate about historical accuracy and realism.
- 战争游戏社区对历史的准确性和真实性充满热情。
- Wargaming can be a competitive hobby with tournaments and rankings.
- 战争游戏可以是一项竞技性的爱好,有锦标赛和排名。
- He enjoys the strategic challenge of wargaming and the opportunity to test different tactics.
- 他喜欢战争游戏的战略挑战和测试不同战术的机会。
- Wargaming requires a good knowledge of military history and an understanding of tactics.
- 战争游戏需要对军事历史有很好的了解和对战术的理解。
- They organize regular wargaming sessions at their local game store.
- 他们在当地游戏商店定期组织战争游戏活动。
- Wargaming can be a way to connect with other history enthusiasts and share knowledge.
- 战争游戏可以是与其他历史爱好者联系并分享知识的一种方式。
- He has a collection of wargaming rulebooks and enjoys exploring different game systems.
- 他收集了一些战争游戏规则书,喜欢探索不同的游戏系统。
- Wargaming can be a creative hobby as players often customize their models and terrain.
- 战争游戏可以是一项创意爱好,因为玩家经常会自定义他们的模型和地形。