warpaper [ˈwɔːrˌpeɪpər]意为军事背景的、战争主题的 例句: 1. The room was decorated with warpaper to create a historical atmosphere. (房间用战争主题的壁纸装饰,营造出历史氛围。)
warpaper [ˈwɔːrˌpeɪpər]意为战争壁纸、军事背景壁纸 例句: 1. The warpaper on the wall depicted scenes from famous battles. (墙上的战争壁纸描绘了著名战役的场景。)
warpaper与war-themed wallpaper意思相同,都指战争主题的壁纸。词汇扩充
相关词汇:military wallpaper、battle-themed wallpaper近义词
similar terms: war-themed wallpaper, military wallpaper, battle-themed wallpaper反义词
antonyms: peaceful wallpaper, non-military wallpaper柯林斯词典
Warpaper (noun)A warpaper is a type of wallpaper that features war-related images or designs.
Warpaper (noun)Wallpaper decorated with war-related images or motifs.
1. I want to redecorate my study with warpaper to reflect my interest in military history. (我想用战争主题的壁纸重新装饰我的书房,以体现我对军事历史的兴趣。) 2. The museum used warpaper to create an immersive experience for visitors. (博物馆使用战争主题的壁纸为游客营造出身临其境的体验。)例句
- The warpaper in his room depicted scenes of soldiers in combat. (他房间的战争壁纸描绘了士兵在战斗中的场景。)
- She found a vintage warpaper from the 1940s at an antique shop. (她在一家古董店里找到了一张1940年代的复古战争壁纸。)
- The warpaper had faded over time, but the images of tanks and airplanes were still visible. (战争壁纸随着时间的推移已经褪色,但坦克和飞机的图像仍然可见。)
- He used warpaper in his office to inspire him while working on military strategy. (他在办公室使用战争壁纸,在制定军事战略时激发灵感。)
- They decided to remove the warpaper and paint the walls a neutral color. (他们决定撤下战争壁纸,将墙壁涂成中性色。)
- The warpaper design featured iconic war symbols such as helmets and rifles. (战争壁纸的设计采用了头盔和步枪等标志性的战争符号。)
- Her bedroom was decorated with floral warpaper, creating a unique blend of femininity and history. (她的卧室装饰着花卉图案的战争壁纸,营造出女性气质和历史的独特融合。)
- The warpaper installation took longer than expected due to the intricate designs. (由于设计复杂,战争壁纸的安装时间比预期要长。)
- They chose a subtle warpaper pattern that added a hint of military aesthetics to the room. (他们选择了一个细微的战争壁纸图案,为房间增添了一丝军事美感。)
- He spent hours researching different warpaper options before deciding on a World War II theme. (他花了几个小时研究不同的战争壁纸选项,最终决定了一个二战主题。)
- The warpaper served as a constant reminder of the sacrifices made by those in the armed forces. (战争壁纸始终提醒着人们,武装部队的人做出了多大的牺牲。)
- She found a roll of vintage warpaper in the attic and decided to use it as a feature wall in her living room. (她在阁楼上找到了一卷复古战争壁纸,并决定将其作为客厅的主墙。)
- The warpaper design was carefully chosen to evoke a sense of patriotism and honor. (战争壁纸的设计经过精心选择,旨在唤起爱国主义和荣誉感。)
- They used warpaper with camouflage patterns in the children's playroom to create a military-themed space. (他们在儿童游戏室使用迷彩图案的战争壁纸,营造出一个军事主题的空间。)
- The warpaper had faded over time, but the memories it represented remained strong. (随着时间的推移,战争壁纸已经褪色,但它所代表的记忆仍然深刻。)
- He carefully applied the warpaper to the wall, ensuring the pattern lined up perfectly. (他小心翼翼地将战争壁纸贴在墙上,确保图案完美对齐。)
- The warpaper showcased scenes of bravery and camaraderie among soldiers. (战争壁纸展示了士兵之间的勇气和友情场景。)
- She wanted the warpaper to be the focal point of the room, so she kept the other decorations minimal. (她希望战争壁纸成为房间的焦点,所以其他装饰都尽量简洁。)
- The warpaper added a touch of history to the otherwise modern and sleek design of the office. (战争壁纸为办公室原本现代简洁的设计增添了一丝历史气息。)
- They chose a vibrant warpaper design to create a lively and energetic atmosphere in the room. (他们选择了一个充满活力的战争壁纸设计,为房间营造出活跃而充满能量的氛围。)
- The warpaper served as a conversation starter, with guests often asking about the historical significance of the images. (战争壁纸成为了交谈的开端,客人们常常询问图像的历史意义。)