《柯林斯词典》(Collins Dictionary)
warning [ˈwɔːnɪŋ]- 名词
- 警告;告诫
- 警告信;警告标志
- 警告信或标志的内容
- 形容词
- 警告的;告诫的
- 预兆的;预警的
warning, caution, advice, notification 的区别在于程度和形式。 warning 指官方或权威机构发出的严厉警告,通常预示着可能的危险或后果;caution 指对潜在危险或错误的小心提醒,比 warning 强调更加谨慎;advice 指一般性的建议或忠告;notification 指正式的通知或告示。
warning shot:示警弹;警告射击
warning sign:警示牌;警告标志
warning label:警示标签;警告标签
《牛津词典》(Oxford Dictionary)
warning [ˈwɔːnɪŋ]- 名词
- 警告;告诫
- 警告信;警告标志
- 警告信或标志的内容
- 形容词
- 警告的;告诫的
- 预兆的;预警的
- She received a warning about her low productivity.(她收到了一份关于她低生产力的警告。)
- The government issued a warning to citizens about the approaching storm.(政府向市民发布了一份关于即将来临的暴风雨的警告。)
- There is a warning sign indicating the presence of toxic chemicals.(有一个警示标志,指示有毒化学物质的存在。)
- The teacher gave a warning to the misbehaving student.(老师对行为不端的学生进行了警告。)
- He ignored the warning signs and suffered the consequences.(他忽视了警示标志,遭受了后果。)
- The warning letter informed them of the potential risks involved.(这封警告信告知他们可能存在的风险。)
- The dark clouds were a warning of the coming storm.(阴云是即将来临的暴风雨的预兆。)
- She had a warning dream about the accident before it happened.(她在事故发生前做了一个预警梦。)
- He fired a warning shot to scare off the intruders.(他开了一枪示警,吓跑了闯入者。)
- The warning label on the medicine bottle advised against taking more than the recommended dosage.(药瓶上的警示标签告诫不要超过推荐剂量。)
- The captain issued a warning to the crew about the rough weather ahead.(船长向船员发出了一份关于前方恶劣天气的警告。)
- The dog growled as a warning to stay away.(狗咆哮作为一种警告,要求人们远离。)
- The teacher's warning was ignored by the students, leading to disciplinary action.(学生们忽视了老师的警告,导致了纪律处分。)
- The company received a warning from the environmental agency for violating pollution regulations.(该公司因违反污染规定收到了环保机构的警告。)
- The car's engine light came on as a warning of a potential problem.(汽车的发动机灯亮起,预示可能存在问题。)
- The hiker ignored the warning signs and got lost in the unfamiliar terrain.(徒步旅行者忽视了警示标志,在陌生地形中迷路了。)
- The government issued a warning to the public to be vigilant against terrorist threats.(政府向公众发布警告,要求对恐怖威胁保持警惕。)
- She gave him a warning look, indicating that he should stop talking.(她给了他一个警告的眼神,表示他应该停止说话。)
- The meteorologists issued a severe weather warning for the region.(气象学家为该地区发布了一份严重天气警告。)
- The warning from his doctor motivated him to make healthier lifestyle choices.(医生的警告促使他做出更健康的生活选择。)
- She received a warning letter from her employer about her poor performance.(她收到了雇主发来的一封关于她表现不佳的警告信。)