1. 温暖的;热的
- It's warm outside today. 今天外面很暖和。
- The soup is still warm. 汤还是热的。
2. 热情的;友好的
- She gave me a warm smile. 她对我微笑。
- The hostess gave us a warm welcome. 女主人热情地欢迎我们。
3. 激动的;亲切的
- The audience gave the performer a warm applause. 观众给予表演者热烈的掌声。
- Her warm words touched my heart. 她的亲切话语触动了我的心。
4. 温和的;适中的
- They prefer warm weather for their vacation. 他们喜欢适中的天气度假。
- He took a warm shower to relax. 他洗了一个温暖的澡放松一下。
5. 暖色调的;暖色的
- She painted the walls in warm tones. 她用暖色调涂了墙壁。
- The room is decorated with warm colors. 这个房间装饰着暖色调。
1. 温暖;热情
- I felt the warm of the fire. 我感受到了火的温暖。
- The couple radiated warmth and love. 这对夫妻散发着温暖和爱。
- "warm"指的是温暖的、适度的温度,而"hot"指的是高温、炎热的温度。
- It's warm outside today.(今天外面很暖和。)
- It's too hot to go outside.(太热了,不能出去。)
1. warm-hearted:热心的
- She is a warm-hearted person who always helps others. 她是个热心肠的人,总是乐于助人。
2. warm-blooded:温血的
- Mammals and birds are warm-blooded animals. 哺乳动物和鸟类是温血动物。
1. heated:热的,激动的
2. cozy:舒适的,温馨的
1. cool:凉的;冷淡的
2. cold:冷的;寒冷的
1. 形容词
- If something is warm, it has some heat but not enough to be hot.(如果某物暖和,它有一些热量但不够热。)
- If you feel warm, you feel quite hot and uncomfortable.(如果你感到温暖,你会感到相当热和不舒服。)
- If you describe a person or their behaviour as warm, you are praising them for being friendly and affectionate.(如果你形容一个人或他们的行为温暖,你是在赞扬他们友好和亲切。)
2. 名词
- Warmth is a gentle heat.(温暖是一种温和的热量。)
- The warmth of a person or their feelings is their friendliness and affection.(一个人或他们的感情的温暖是他们的友好和亲切。)
1. 形容词
- Having, showing, or resulting from warmth of feeling; affectionate or kindly.(具有、显示或产生来自感情的温暖;亲切或友善。)
- Having or showing enthusiasm, affection, or kindness.(具有或显示热情、深情或友善。)
2. 名词
- A warm place or feeling is comfortable and pleasant, especially because it is not too hot.(一个温暖的地方或感觉是舒适和愉快的,尤其是因为不太热。)
- A warm colour is one that is strongly coloured red, yellow, or orange and that suggests warmth.(暖色是指强烈呈现红色、黄色或橙色的颜色,给人一种温暖的感觉。)
1. warm oneself:取暖
- She sat by the fire to warm herself. 她坐在火炉旁取暖。
2. warm up:变暖;热身
- The weather is starting to warm up. 天气开始变暖。
- Before running, make sure to warm up your muscles. 跑步前要确保热身你的肌肉。
1. It's warm outside today.(今天外面很暖和。)
2. The soup is still warm.(汤还是热的。)
3. She gave me a warm smile.(她对我微笑。)
4. The hostess gave us a warm welcome.(女主人热情地欢迎我们。)
5. The audience gave the performer a warm applause.(观众给予表演者热烈的掌声。)
6. Her warm words touched my heart.(她的亲切话语触动了我的心。)
7. They prefer warm weather for their vacation.(他们喜欢适中的天气度假。)
8. He took a warm shower to relax.(他洗了一个温暖的澡放松一下。)
9. She painted the walls in warm tones.(她用暖色调涂了墙壁。)
10. The room is decorated with warm colors.(这个房间装饰着暖色调。)
11. I felt the warm of the fire.(我感受到了火的温暖。)
12. The couple radiated warmth and love.(这对夫妻散发着温暖和爱。)
13. She is a warm-hearted person who always helps others.(她是个热心肠的人,总是乐于助人。)
14. Mammals and birds are warm-blooded animals.(哺乳动物和鸟类是温血动物。)
15. The coffee is too hot to drink.(咖啡太热了,喝不了。)
16. The heated argument lasted for hours.(激烈的争论持续了几个小时。)
17. They sat by the cozy fireplace and enjoyed a cup of tea.(他们坐在舒适的壁炉旁,喝着一杯茶。)
18. She gave me a cold look and walked away.(她给了我一个冷冷的眼神,然后走开了。)
19. I need to put on a jacket, it's getting cool outside.(我需要穿上夹克,外面开始变凉了。)
20. The cold wind made him shiver.(冷风让他打哆嗦。)