名词 (Noun) 1. 战争 (zhànzhēng) - a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country - The country has been ravaged by wars for decades. 这个国家已经被战争摧毁了几十年。 2. 战役;战事 (zhànyì; zhànshì) - a particular conflict or campaign within a war - The Battle of Waterloo was a decisive event in the wars of the early 19th century. 滑铁卢战役是19世纪早期战争中的一次决定性事件。 3. 斗争;争斗 (dòuzhēng; zhēngdòu) - a state of competition, conflict, or struggle - There is an ongoing war between the two political parties. 这两个政党之间正在进行一场持续不断的斗争。 形容词 (Adjective) 1. 战争的;战时的 (zhànzhēng de; zhànshí de) - relating to or characteristic of war or wartime - The soldiers returned home after years of war. 士兵们经过多年的战争后回到了家乡。 2. 战争般的;激烈的;猛烈的 (zhànzhēng bān de; jīliè de; měngliè de) - resembling or suggestive of war or conflict; intense or fierce - The company faced a war-like competition from its rivals. 公司面临来自竞争对手的激烈竞争。词语辨析 (Word Differentiation)
war 和 battle 都可以表示战争或战斗,但两者有不同的层次。war 更多指冲突或战争的整体,而 battle 则指战役、战斗或冲突的具体事件。词汇扩展 (Vocabulary Expansion)
1. civil war - 内战 (nèizhàn) - a war between citizens of the same country - The country was torn apart by a brutal civil war. 这个国家被一场残酷的内战撕裂。 2. world war - 世界大战 (shìjiè dàzhàn) - a war involving many countries or most of the countries of the world - The two world wars had a profound impact on global history. 这两次世界大战对全球历史产生了深远影响。 3. nuclear war - 核战争 (hé zhànzhēng) - a war in which nuclear weapons are used - The threat of a nuclear war is a major concern for global security. 核战争的威胁是全球安全的主要关切。近义词 (Synonyms)
conflict, warfare, struggle, combat反义词 (Antonyms)
peace, harmony, ceasefire柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
plural noun 1. 战争 (zhànzhēng) - Wars are conflicts fought between countries or groups. - The country has fought many wars in its history. 这个国家在历史上发动过许多战争。 idioms 1. be at war - 处于战争状态 - If a country or group is at war, it is fighting in a war. - The two countries have been at war for years. 这两个国家已经处于战争状态多年。牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
noun 1. 战争 (zhànzhēng) - A state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. - The country has experienced several wars throughout its history. 这个国家在其历史上经历了几次战争。 verb 1. 开战 (kāizhàn) - Engage in a war or conflict. - The two nations warred against each other for many years. 这两个国家互相开战了多年。用法示例 (Examples)
They declared war on the neighboring country.
The two nations have been at war for decades.
The soldiers fought bravely in the war.
She experienced the horrors of war firsthand.
The country is recovering from the devastation caused by years of war.
The war-torn region is in desperate need of humanitarian aid.
The company is facing a fierce war of words with its competitors.
The political war between the two parties is escalating.
The city witnessed many battles during the war.
The generals planned their strategy for the upcoming battle.
The soldiers fought valiantly in the battle for control of the hill.
The battle between good and evil continues.