warning (warnings)
- countable noun
- A warning is something which is said or written to tell people of a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant thing that might happen.
- 警告:警告是指告知人们可能发生的危险、问题或其他不愉快的事情的言辞或文字。
- Example: They issued a warning that a serious attack could take place soon.
- 例句:他们发出警告称很快可能发生严重袭击。
- adjective
- A warning look or gesture is one that is intended to tell someone that they are doing something wrong or that something bad may happen.
- 警告的:警告的表情或手势旨在告诉某人他们正在做错事或可能发生不好的事情。
- Example: He gave her a warning glance.
- 例句:他向她投去了警告的眼神。
warning (warnings)
- noun
- A warning is something, usually in the form of an official statement, that alerts you to a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant thing that might happen.
- 警告:警告通常以官方声明的形式发出,提醒你可能发生的危险、问题或其他不愉快的事情。
- Example: The government has issued a warning to all foreigners to leave the country.
- 例句:政府已向所有外国人发出警告,要求他们离开该国。
- adjective
- A warning sign, light, or sound is one that tells you there is a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant thing.
- 警示的:警告标志、灯光或声音告诉你可能存在危险、问题或其他不愉快的事情。
- Example: The lighthouse has a warning light.
- 例句:灯塔上有一枚警示灯。
warning as a noun:
- Example: The weather forecast issued a warning about the approaching storm.
- 例句:天气预报发布了一则关于即将来临的暴风雨的警告。
warning as an adjective:
- Example: She gave me a warning look.
- 例句:她给了我一个警告的表情。
- The police issued a warning to the public about the escaped convict. (警方向公众发布了有关逃犯的警告。)
- The teacher's warning prevented the students from cheating. (老师的警告阻止了学生作弊。)
- The dark clouds were a warning of the approaching storm. (乌云是即将到来的暴风雨的预兆。)
- She received a warning letter from her boss for being consistently late. (她因为经常迟到收到了老板的警告信。)
- The warning signs on the road alerted drivers to the sharp turn ahead. (路上的警示牌提醒司机前方有一个急转弯。)
- The surgeon gave a warning to the patient about the risks involved in the operation. (外科医生向患者警告了手术中的风险。)
- Her warning tone made it clear that she meant business. (她警告的语气明确表明她是认真的。)
- The government issued a warning to citizens to stay indoors during the hurricane. (政府向公民发布警告,要求他们在飓风期间待在室内。)
- He ignored all the warnings and went ahead with his reckless plan. (他无视所有的警告,继续执行他的鲁莽计划。)
- The warning light on the dashboard indicated a problem with the engine. (仪表盘上的警示灯显示发动机出现问题。)
- She received a final warning from her boss before being fired. (她被解雇之前收到了老板的最后一次警告。)
- The dog's growl was a warning to stay away. (狗的咆哮是一个警告,告诉人们远离。)
- The government has issued a warning against travel to the region due to political unrest. (由于政治动荡,政府已发布了前往该地区的警告。)
- The teacher's warning about the difficulty of the exam made the students study harder. (老师对考试难度的警告使学生更加努力学习。)
- The warning bell rang, indicating the end of the break. (警报铃响了,表示休息结束。)
- The hiker ignored the warnings and ventured into the dangerous terrain. (徒步旅行者无视警告,闯入危险的地形。)
- The warning label on the medicine bottle listed possible side effects. (药瓶上的警告标签列出了可能的副作用。)
- The company's financial report gave a warning of potential bankruptcy. (公司的财务报告给出了潜在破产的警告。)
- The mother's warning prevented her child from touching the hot stove. (母亲的警告阻止了孩子去触摸热炉子。)
- The warning from the lifeguard prompted swimmers to leave the water. (救生员的警告促使游泳者离开水中。)
- The employee received a verbal warning for his unprofessional behavior. (这名员工因为不专业的行为收到了口头警告。)