1. 温暖的英文解释:having or producing a comfortably high temperature
例句:The sun provides warming rays.
中文翻译:太阳发出温暖的光线。 2. 暖和的
英文解释:pleasantly warm
例句:We enjoyed a warming fire on a chilly evening.
1. 加温英文解释:the act of making something warmer
例句:The warming of the room was necessary for the plants to grow.
中文翻译:房间的加温对于植物的生长是必要的。 2. 全球变暖
英文解释:a long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels
例句:Scientists are concerned about the impact of warming on the environment.
1. warming vs. heating英文解释:Both words refer to the process of increasing temperature, but "warming" often implies a more gradual or gentle increase, while "heating" can imply a more rapid or intense increase.
例句:The sun's rays are warming the room, but we need a heater to provide additional heating.
其他表示“warming”的词汇包括:- warming up(热身) - warming trend(升温趋势) - warming effect(加温效应)
- warming: heating, warming up - warming trend: temperature rise, global warming反义词
- cooling: the act of making something cooler - cooling trend: temperature decrease, global cooling柯林斯词典
warming (noun):1. the act of making or becoming warm or warmer
2. an increase in temperature, as of the atmosphere, resulting from increased amounts of greenhouse gases
warming (adjective):
1. appreciably or comfortably warm
2. characterized by heat
warming (noun):1. the process of becoming warmer or making something warmer
2. the gradual increase in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere
warming (adjective):
1. slightly hotter than usual or expected
2. causing a feeling of warmness
1. The warming sun melted the snow on the mountains.2. The warming of the planet is a major concern for scientists.
3. The campers gathered around the warming fire.
4. She felt a warming sensation as the hot water touched her skin.
5. The warming trend in the region is causing concern among farmers.
6. The warming effect of the greenhouse gases is contributing to climate change.