- 名词:疣猪 - 形容词:疣猪的词义解释
- 名词: 1. 疣猪(一种生活在非洲的野猪) - 形容词: 1. 形容疣猪的词语辨析
- 无词汇扩充
- 无近义词
- 无反义词
- 无柯林斯词典
- 名词:A warthog is a wild pig that lives in Africa. - 形容词:Warthog means belonging or relating to a warthog.牛津词典
- 名词:A wild pig from Africa that has two pairs of large, pointed teeth, and runs very fast when it is in danger. - 形容词:Relating to a warthog.用法
- 名词:The warthog is known for its large tusks and wart-like growths on its face. - 形容词:The researchers studied the warthog population in the national park.例句
- The warthog ran through the grassland, its tusks gleaming in the sunlight.(疣猪在草原上奔跑,它的獠牙在阳光下闪闪发光。)
- I spotted a warthog family feeding near the watering hole.(我看到一只疣猪家庭在水洞附近觅食。)
- The warthog's powerful snout helps it dig for roots and bulbs.(疣猪强大的鼻子帮助它挖掘根和球茎。)
- The lioness chased after the warthog, hoping to catch it for a meal.(母狮追赶疣猪,希望抓住它作为一顿饭。)
- Warthogs are social animals and often live in small groups called sounders.(疣猪是社交动物,经常生活在被称为群的小团体中。)
- The warthog's distinctive appearance makes it easily recognizable in the African savannah.(疣猪独特的外观使其在非洲大草原上容易被辨认出来。)
- Warthogs are herbivores and mainly feed on grass, roots, and fruits.(疣猪是食草动物,主要以草、根和水果为食。)
- As a defense mechanism, a warthog will often run away when threatened, reaching speeds of up to 30 miles per hour.(作为一种防御机制,疣猪在受到威胁时通常会逃跑,速度可达每小时30英里。)
- The warthog's tusks are used for digging, fighting, and defense against predators.(疣猪的獠牙用于挖掘、战斗和防御捕食者。)
- Warthogs have a unique behavior of kneeling on their front knees while feeding.(疣猪在觅食时有一种独特的行为,前膝跪地。)
- The warthog's tough skin acts as a protective layer against thorny vegetation and insect bites.(疣猪的坚韧皮肤起到了保护层的作用,防止了荆棘植被和昆虫叮咬。)
- During the dry season, warthogs rely on waterholes for drinking and cooling off.(干旱季节,疣猪依靠水洞饮水和降温。)
- Warthogs communicate using a variety of vocalizations, including grunts, snorts, and squeals.(疣猪通过多种发声方式进行交流,包括咕哝声、哼声和尖叫声。)
- The warthog's burrows provide shelter for other animals, such as mongooses and birds.(疣猪的洞穴为其他动物提供了庇护所,如猫鼬和鸟类。)
- A warthog's diet can vary depending on the season and availability of food sources.(疣猪的饮食因季节和食物来源的可用性而有所变化。)
- The warthog is known for its ability to adapt to different habitats, from grasslands to woodlands.(疣猪以其适应不同栖息地的能力而闻名,从草原到林地。)
- Warthogs are often preyed upon by large carnivores, such as lions and hyenas.(疣猪经常被大型食肉动物捕食,如狮子和鬣狗。)
- The warthog's constant grazing helps maintain the balance of grassland ecosystems.(疣猪的持续放牧有助于维持草原生态系统的平衡。)
- The warthog's distinctive facial warts are made of tough cartilage and serve as protection during fights.(疣猪独特的面部疣状物由坚韧的软骨组成,在斗争中起到保护作用。)
- Warthogs have a keen sense of smell, which they use to detect predators and locate food.(疣猪具有敏锐的嗅觉,它们用来侦测捕食者和寻找食物。)