1. 优秀的;出色的 2. 自负的;傲慢的名词
1. 优秀的人;能手 2. 自负的人;傲慢的人词语辨析
hotshot (informal)
- If you describe someone as a hotshot, you mean they are very successful or confident.
- If you describe something such as a car or a company as a hotshot, you mean it is very fast, powerful, or successful.
hotshot (informal)
- A person who is very successful and confident.
- A person who is conspicuously talented or has a great deal of style.
- An impressive or successful product.
He's a hotshot lawyer who wins every case.
The company launched a hotshot new product that quickly became a bestseller.
作为名词:He's considered one of the industry's hotshots.
She thinks she's a hotshot, but she still has a lot to learn.
1. He's a hotshot pilot who can perform incredible maneuvers in the sky.
他是一位能在空中进行令人难以置信的飞行动作的神飞行员。 2. The young entrepreneur quickly gained a reputation as a hotshot in the business world.
这位年轻的企业家在商界迅速建立了一个能手的声誉。 3. The hotshot lawyer won another high-profile case in court today.
这位顶级律师今天在法庭上又赢得了一起备受关注的案件。 4. The company hired a hotshot programmer to develop their new software.
该公司聘请了一位能手程序员来开发他们的新软件。 5. The hotshot athlete broke several records in the recent competition.
这位顶级运动员在最近的比赛中打破了几项纪录。 6. Don't let his hotshot attitude fool you; he still has a lot to prove.
不要被他那种自负的态度所迷惑,他还有很多东西要证明。 7. The hotshot investor made a fortune by investing in startups.
这位顶级投资者通过投资初创公司赚了一大笔钱。 8. She thinks she's a hotshot, but she's really just average.
她自以为是个能手,但实际上只是普通人。 9. The company launched their hotshot new product to rave reviews.
该公司推出了备受好评的新产品。 10. The young singer is considered a hotshot in the music industry.
这位年轻歌手在音乐界被认为是个人才。 11. The hotshot lawyer always manages to find a loophole in the law.
这位顶级律师总能找到法律漏洞。 12. The hotshot programmer developed an innovative solution to the problem.
这位顶级程序员开发了一个创新的解决方案来解决这个问题。 13. The company's hotshot product quickly gained popularity among consumers.
该公司的顶级产品很快在消费者中间流行起来。 14. The hotshot athlete is known for his incredible speed and agility.
这位顶级运动员以他惊人的速度和敏捷性而闻名。 15. The hotshot investor made a series of successful investments in the stock market.
这位顶级投资者在股市上进行了一系列成功的投资。 16. The hotshot lawyer's argument convinced the jury to deliver a not guilty verdict.
这位顶级律师的论点使陪审团作出无罪判决。 17. The hotshot programmer's code was clean and efficient.
这位顶级程序员的代码整洁高效。 18. He's a hotshot in the fashion industry, known for his unique style and creativity.
他是时尚界的能手,以他独特的风格和创造力而闻名。 19. The company hired a hotshot marketing executive to boost sales.
该公司聘请了一位顶级市场营销高管来提高销售额。 20. The hotshot investor's risky move paid off and he made a huge profit.
他是一位能在空中进行令人难以置信的飞行动作的神飞行员。 2. The young entrepreneur quickly gained a reputation as a hotshot in the business world.
这位年轻的企业家在商界迅速建立了一个能手的声誉。 3. The hotshot lawyer won another high-profile case in court today.
这位顶级律师今天在法庭上又赢得了一起备受关注的案件。 4. The company hired a hotshot programmer to develop their new software.
该公司聘请了一位能手程序员来开发他们的新软件。 5. The hotshot athlete broke several records in the recent competition.
这位顶级运动员在最近的比赛中打破了几项纪录。 6. Don't let his hotshot attitude fool you; he still has a lot to prove.
不要被他那种自负的态度所迷惑,他还有很多东西要证明。 7. The hotshot investor made a fortune by investing in startups.
这位顶级投资者通过投资初创公司赚了一大笔钱。 8. She thinks she's a hotshot, but she's really just average.
她自以为是个能手,但实际上只是普通人。 9. The company launched their hotshot new product to rave reviews.
该公司推出了备受好评的新产品。 10. The young singer is considered a hotshot in the music industry.
这位年轻歌手在音乐界被认为是个人才。 11. The hotshot lawyer always manages to find a loophole in the law.
这位顶级律师总能找到法律漏洞。 12. The hotshot programmer developed an innovative solution to the problem.
这位顶级程序员开发了一个创新的解决方案来解决这个问题。 13. The company's hotshot product quickly gained popularity among consumers.
该公司的顶级产品很快在消费者中间流行起来。 14. The hotshot athlete is known for his incredible speed and agility.
这位顶级运动员以他惊人的速度和敏捷性而闻名。 15. The hotshot investor made a series of successful investments in the stock market.
这位顶级投资者在股市上进行了一系列成功的投资。 16. The hotshot lawyer's argument convinced the jury to deliver a not guilty verdict.
这位顶级律师的论点使陪审团作出无罪判决。 17. The hotshot programmer's code was clean and efficient.
这位顶级程序员的代码整洁高效。 18. He's a hotshot in the fashion industry, known for his unique style and creativity.
他是时尚界的能手,以他独特的风格和创造力而闻名。 19. The company hired a hotshot marketing executive to boost sales.
该公司聘请了一位顶级市场营销高管来提高销售额。 20. The hotshot investor's risky move paid off and he made a huge profit.