中英词典 - laden
1. 装满的;充满的
2. 负重的;负荷的
3. 沉重的;负担沉重的
1. 负荷;装载物
2. 负担;包袱
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
- Someone or something that is laden with a particular thing has a lot of it.
- Something that is laden with unpleasant things or qualities is full of them.
- A laden pause or silence is one that is full of meaning or emotion.
- A laden is a lot of things that someone is carrying or a lot of things that something contains.
- If you say that someone has a laden, you mean that they have a lot of problems, worries, or responsibilities.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
- (of a vehicle) heavily loaded with goods or passengers.
- burdened; loaded down.
- filled with a great quantity.
- A ship's cargo.
- A burden or load.
1. "laden with"结构常用来形容某物被装满、被负载或被负担。
2. "laden"一词常用于描述车辆、树木、船只等被装满货物的情况。
3. "laden"还可以用来形容沉默、气氛等具有强烈意义或情感的情况。
- The truck was laden with bricks.
- 卡车装满了砖块。
- The children were laden with school bags.
- 孩子们背着沉重的书包。
- The air was laden with the smell of flowers.
- 空气中弥漫着花香。
- She felt a laden silence between them.
- 她感受到他们之间笼罩着一种沉重的寂静。
- The ship's laden included various goods from different countries.
- 船上装载了来自不同国家的各种商品。
- He couldn't bear the laden of guilt anymore.
- 他再也承受不了内疚的负担。
- The laden of expectations weighed heavily on his shoulders.
- 期望的重担压在他的肩上。
- The horse struggled under the laden of its rider and the heavy bags.
- 马在骑手和沉重的包裹的负荷下挣扎着。
- Her eyes were laden with tears.
- 她的眼中充满了泪水。
- The laden shelves were about to collapse.
- 装满货物的货架快要倒塌了。
- The laden branches of the tree bent under the weight of the fruit.
- 树上被果实压弯了的树枝。
- The laden clouds signaled an approaching storm.
- 装满云朵的天空预示着即将来临的暴风雨。
- His words were laden with sarcasm.
- 他的话语中充满了讽刺。
- The laden atmosphere in the room made her uncomfortable.
- 房间里沉闷的气氛让她感到不舒服。
- The laden truck struggled up the steep hill.
- 装满货物的卡车在陡峭的山坡上费力前行。
- The laden tray slipped from her hands and crashed to the floor.
- 装满的托盘从她手中滑落,摔到了地上。
- She felt a heavy laden of responsibility as the team leader.
- 作为团队负责人,她承受着沉重的责任。
- The laden ship sailed towards its destination.
- 装载着货物的船只驶向目的地。
- The laden cart was pulled by a strong ox.
- 装满货物的车子由一头强壮的牛拉着。
- The laden boughs of the apple tree hung low.
- 苹果树上负满果实的树枝低垂着。
- He struggled under the laden of debts.
- 他为债务所累不堪。