中英词典 — “gag”
1. 滑稽的;可笑的
英文:funny; humorous
- His gag jokes always make everyone laugh.(他的滑稽笑话总能让大家笑。)
- The comedian's gag routine was a hit with the audience.(这位喜剧演员的滑稽表演深受观众喜爱。)
2. (道具等)用于搞笑的
英文:comic; humorous
- The clown had a variety of gag props to entertain the children.(小丑准备了各种搞笑道具来娱乐孩子们。)
- She used a gag gift as a way to play a prank on her friend.(她用一个搞笑礼物戏弄她的朋友。)
1. 笑话;俏皮话
英文:joke; jest
- The comedian's gags had the audience in stitches.(这位喜剧演员的笑话让观众捧腹大笑。)
- He is known for his witty gags and humorous stories.(他以机智的笑话和幽默的故事而闻名。)
2. 口球;堵嘴物
英文:gag; muzzle
- The prisoner had a gag in his mouth to prevent him from speaking.(囚犯的嘴里塞着口球以防他说话。)
- The dog was wearing a gag to prevent it from barking.(这只狗戴着口套以防止它叫。)
1. joke:指一种有趣或诙谐的故事、行为或言语,以引起笑声或娱乐他人。
2. jest:指一种滑稽或戏谑的言行,常用于幽默或讽刺的目的。
3. comic:指一种用于搞笑或引起欢乐的道具、表演或情节。
4. humorous:指一种有趣或幽默的特质、言行或文学作品。
5. muzzle:指一种用于阻止动物或人说话或发出声音的装置。
1. gag writer:笑话创作人
2. gag reel:幕后花絮
3. gag reflex:呕吐反射
4. gag gift:搞笑礼物
5. gag order:口头禁令
joke, jest, wisecrack, quip
serious, solemn
gag (noun)
1. a joke or an amusing story that is told to make people laugh
2. a device for preventing a person from speaking or from making a noise, often put over or into the mouth
gag (verb)
1. to prevent someone from speaking or from making a noise
2. to make someone laugh a lot
gag (noun)
1. a joke or a funny story, especially one told by a comedian (= someone whose job is to make people laugh)
2. a piece of cloth that is put over or into someone's mouth in order to stop them from speaking or shouting
gag (verb)
1. to prevent someone from speaking or from making a noise
2. to make someone laugh a lot
1. gag作为名词使用
- I heard a funny gag at the comedy club last night.(昨晚在喜剧俱乐部我听到一个很搞笑的笑话。)
- The kidnapper tied up the victim and put a gag in his mouth.(绑匪把受害者捆起来,塞了一个口球在他嘴里。)
2. gag作为动词使用
- The protesters were gagged by the police.(抗议者被警方堵住了嘴。)
- The comedian's performance had the audience gagging with laughter.(这位喜剧演员的表演引得观众捧腹大笑。)
- She couldn't stop laughing at the comedian's hilarious gag.(她对喜剧演员滑稽的笑话笑得停不下来。)
- They used a gag gift to play a prank on their friend.(他们用一个搞笑礼物戏弄他们的朋友。)
- The prisoner was unable to speak with the gag in his mouth.(囚犯嘴里塞着口球无法开口说话。)
- He told a gag to lighten the mood in the room.(他讲了一个笑话来缓和房间里的气氛。)
- The comedian's gag routine had the audience in stitches.(这位喜剧演员的滑稽表演让观众捧腹大笑。)
- She couldn't help but burst out laughing at the gag in the movie.(她禁不住在电影里的笑话上大笑起来。)
- The police officer gagged the suspect to prevent him from shouting.(警察堵住了嫌疑犯的嘴以防他大喊。)
- The comedian's performance had the audience gagging with laughter.(这位喜剧演员的表演引得观众捧腹大笑。)
- He always has a gag ready to lighten the mood.(他总是准备好一个笑话来缓和气氛。)
- The clown's gags had the children laughing uncontrollably.(小丑的笑话让孩子们笑得无法自控。)
- She used a gag prop to entertain the audience.(她用一个搞笑道具来娱乐观众。)
- His gag jokes always make everyone laugh.(他的滑稽笑话总能让大家笑。)
- The comedian's gag routine was a hit with the audience.(这位喜剧演员的滑稽表演深受观众喜爱。)
- The prisoner had a gag in his mouth to prevent him from speaking.(囚犯的嘴里塞着口球以防他说话。)
- The dog was wearing a gag to prevent it from barking.(这只狗戴着口套以防止它叫。)
- The comedian's gags had the audience in stitches.(这位喜剧演员的笑话让观众捧腹大笑。)
- He is known for his witty gags and humorous stories.(他以机智的笑话和幽默的故事而闻名。)
- I heard a funny gag at the comedy club last night.(昨晚在喜剧俱乐部我听到一个很搞笑的笑话。)
- The kidnapper tied up the victim and put a gag in his mouth.(绑匪把受害者捆起来,塞了一个口球在他嘴里。)
- The protesters were gagged by the police.(抗议者被警方堵住了嘴。)
- The comedian's performance had the audience gagging with laughter.(这位喜剧演员的表演引得观众捧腹大笑。)