中英词典 - "petite"
1. 小巧的;娇小的a. (尤指女性) 娇小而苗条的
b. (尺寸、体型等) 小的;纤细的
c. (衣物) 适合娇小体型的
d. (食物或饮料) 小份的,小杯的
e. (房屋或家具) 小巧玲珑的
2. 无足轻重的;微小的
a. 不重要的;琐碎的
1. 娇小的女人词语辨析
"petite" 强调娇小、苗条,通常用于描述女性的体型;而 "small" 则更一般化,可以用于描述任何物体的尺寸大小。词汇扩充
slender, tiny, dainty, delicate, minuscule, slight, pint-sized近义词
small, little, tiny, compact, slight, dainty, delicate, slim, slender反义词
tall, big, large, substantial, significant柯林斯词典
petite (adjective)1. (尤指女性) 娇小而苗条的
2. (尺寸、体型等) 小的;纤细的
3. (衣物) 适合娇小体型的
4. (食物或饮料) 小份的,小杯的
5. (房屋或家具) 小巧玲珑的
6. 不重要的;琐碎的
petite (noun)
petite (adjective)1. (尤指女性) 娇小而苗条的
2. (尺寸、体型等) 小的;纤细的
3. (衣物) 适合娇小体型的
4. (食物或饮料) 小份的,小杯的
5. (房屋或家具) 小巧玲珑的
6. 不重要的;琐碎的
- She is a petite woman with delicate features. (她是一个娇小的女人,长相精致。)
- The model wore a petite dress that accentuated her figure. (模特穿着一条突出她身材的小号裙子。)
- The café offers petite portions of desserts. (这家咖啡馆提供小份的甜点。)
- Her room was furnished with petite furniture to maximize space. (她的房间配备了小巧的家具以最大化利用空间。)
- Although she may seem petite, her voice carries great authority. (虽然她看起来身材娇小,但她的声音具有很大的权威。)
- His contribution may be petite, but it shouldn't be overlooked. (他的贡献虽然微小,但不应该被忽视。)
- I prefer a petite handbag that doesn't weigh me down. (我更喜欢一个不会使我负重的小巧手提包。)
- The boutique specializes in petite clothing for women under 5'3". (这家精品店专门为身高不到5英尺3英寸的女性提供小号服装。)
- She has a petite frame, which makes finding clothes that fit properly a challenge. (她身材娇小,这使得找到合适的衣服成为一种挑战。)
- The café serves petite cups of coffee for those who prefer a smaller portion. (这家咖啡馆为那些喜欢小份的人提供小杯咖啡。)
- Her petite stature didn't hinder her from excelling in basketball. (她娇小的身材并没有妨碍她在篮球方面的出色表现。)
- She always felt self-conscious about her petite size in a world that valued tallness. (在一个看重身高的世界里,她总是对自己娇小的身材感到自卑。)
- The petite room was cozy and filled with antique furniture. (小巧的房间温馨舒适,摆满了古董家具。)
- Don't underestimate her petite appearance; she's a powerful CEO. (不要小看她娇小的外表;她是一位强大的首席执行官。)
- She ordered a petite steak, while her friend opted for a larger portion. (她点了一份小块的牛排,而她的朋友选择了更大的份量。)
- The boutique offers a wide range of petite clothing for women of all ages. (这家精品店为各个年龄段的女性提供各种小号服装。)
- She chose a petite vase for the delicate flowers. (她为这些精致的花朵选择了一个小花瓶。)
- Despite her petite figure, she has a strong presence on stage. (尽管她身材娇小,但在舞台上她有着强大的存在感。)
- She dreams of becoming a petite model and walking the runway. (她梦想成为一名小模特,并在T型台上走秀。)
- The petite girl stood out in the crowd due to her unique style. (这个娇小的女孩因为她独特的风格在人群中脱颖而出。)
- She wore a petite necklace that delicately adorned her neckline. (她戴着一条小巧的项链,精美地点缀着她的颈线。)