形容词:1. leading:领导的,主要的
2. leadership:领导的,主要的
名词:1. 领导能力,领导才能
2. 领导地位,领导职位
3. 领导团队或组织的行为或能力
4. 领导层,管理层
5. 领导地位的人或团体
1. leadership与leader的区别:
- leadership指的是领导能力、领导地位,强调对他人的指导和引导作用。
- leader指的是领导者,强调在特定领域或组织中具有指导地位的人。
2. leadership与management的区别:
- leadership强调领导者的能力和影响力,注重激励和鼓舞他人,以实现共同目标。
- management强调管理者的职责和工作,着重于计划、组织、协调和控制组织的运作。
1. transformational leadership:变革型领导
2. charismatic leadership:魅力领导
3. autocratic leadership:专断领导
4. democratic leadership:民主领导
5. situational leadership:情境领导
1. guidance:指导
2. direction:方向
3. control:控制
4. influence:影响力
5. authority:权威
1. followership:追随者身份
2. subordination:从属关系
3. obedience:服从
4. submission:顺从
5. compliance:遵从
1. The leadership of a group consists of the people who control or manage it.
2. Leadership is the position of being the leader of a group or organization.
3. Leadership is the qualities and skills that are needed by a leader.
- The party leadership is divided.
- 党的领导层存在分歧。
- She is taking over the leadership of the party.
- 她正在接任该党的领导职位。
- His leadership was crucial to the success of the campaign.
- 他的领导才能对于这次运动的成功至关重要。
1. The action of leading a group of people or an organization.
2. The state or position of being a leader.
3. The leaders of an organization, country, etc.
4. The power or ability to lead other people.
- He showed strong leadership during the crisis.
- 危机期间他表现出了强大的领导能力。
- Her leadership led to the company's success.
- 她的领导力使得公司取得了成功。
- The company has a change in leadership.
- 公司的领导层发生了变动。
- He is known for his strong leadership skills.
- 他以出色的领导才能而闻名。
- The president provided strong leadership in times of crisis.
- 总统在危机时期提供了强有力的领导。
- She has emerged as a strong leader in the industry.
- 她在该行业中崭露头角,成为一位强势领导者。
- Effective leadership is crucial for the success of any organization.
- 有效的领导对于任何组织的成功至关重要。
- His autocratic leadership style alienated many of his subordinates.
- 他专断的领导风格疏远了许多下属。
- The team needs someone with strong leadership qualities.
- 团队需要一位具备强大领导能力的人。
- She was chosen to take on the leadership of the project.
- 她被选为该项目的负责人。
- The company is looking for someone with experience in leadership roles.
- 公司正在寻找有领导经验的人。
- The leadership of the organization was in turmoil.
- 该组织的领导层陷入混乱。
- He has the potential to become a great leader.
- 他有潜力成为一名伟大的领导者。
- She has shown great leadership in guiding the team to success.
- 她在引导团队取得成功方面表现出了卓越的领导力。
- The leadership skills he demonstrated impressed everyone in the company.
- 他展示的领导才能给公司中的每个人留下了深刻的印象。
- The leadership of the country is facing a crisis.
- 该国的领导层正面临危机。
- He lacks the necessary leadership qualities to be an effective manager.
- 他缺乏成为有效经理所需的领导能力。
- The new CEO has brought a fresh leadership style to the company.
- 新任CEO给公司带来了全新的领导风格。