1. (广播)波段柯林斯词典: the frequencies used for radio and television broadcasting
牛津词典: the medium through which radio waves are transmitted 2. (广播)电波
柯林斯词典: the medium through which radio waves are transmitted; the radio spectrum
牛津词典: the radio frequency spectrum
airwaves和radio waves的区别: airwaves是指广播的媒体和波段,而radio waves则指无线电波本身。词汇扩充
1. (广播)频段词语辨析: airwaves和频段都指广播的频率范围,但airwaves更常用于口语和日常表达。 2. 电视台
词语辨析: 电视台指的是一个电视广播机构,频道指的是电视台的频率。 3. 电台
词语辨析: 电台指的是一个广播机构或广播设备,台指的是电台的台子或平台。
broadcasts, transmissions, signals, radio waves反义词
silence, quiet, stillness柯林斯词典
名词 1. (广播)波段牛津词典
名词 1. (广播)电波用法
1. 在airwaves上例如:
- The radio station has been broadcasting on the airwaves for over 50 years. (这个广播电台已经在广播中播出超过50年。)
- The new album is making waves on the airwaves. (这张新专辑正在广播中引起轰动。)
- The government plans to auction off additional airwaves for mobile communications. (政府计划拍卖额外的频段用于移动通信。)
- The talk show host's controversial comments sparked a storm on the airwaves. (这位脱口秀主持人有争议的评论在广播中引发了一场风暴。)
- Local artists are getting more airtime on the airwaves. (本地艺术家在广播中的播放时间越来越多。)
- The radio frequency spectrum is divided into different airwaves for various purposes. (无线电频谱被划分为不同的频段,用于各种不同的目的。)
- The band's new single is climbing the airplay charts. (这支乐队的新单曲正在攀升广播播放榜。)
- The radio host has a distinctive voice that stands out on the airwaves. (这位广播主持人有一种与众不同的声音,在广播中脱颖而出。)
- The radio station has a wide reach, covering a large area with its airwaves. (这个广播电台的覆盖范围很广,通过其广播覆盖了一个大区域。)
- Advertisers are eager to reach a broad audience through the airwaves. (广告商渴望通过广播传达给广大观众。)
- The radio program provides a platform for musicians to showcase their talent on the airwaves. (这个广播节目为音乐人提供了在广播中展示才华的平台。)
- His voice is soothing and familiar, a comforting sound on the airwaves. (他的声音柔和而熟悉,在广播中令人感到安慰。)
- The radio industry has undergone significant changes with the advent of digital airwaves. (随着数字广播的出现,广播行业发生了重大变化。)
- Listeners can tune in to their favorite station and enjoy music on the airwaves. (听众可以调到他们最喜欢的电台,享受广播中的音乐。)
- The radio host's witty remarks kept the audience entertained on the airwaves. (广播主持人风趣的言辞让听众在广播中一直保持着娱乐。)
- The radio waves carry the signal across the airwaves to reach listeners' radios. (无线电波通过空中传送信号,以达到听众的收音机。)
- The government granted the company a license to use the airwaves for broadcasting. (政府授予该公司使用广播波段的许可证。)
- The radio program offers a diverse range of content to cater to different tastes on the airwaves. (这个广播节目提供多样化的内容,以迎合广播中不同的口味。)
- The radio station broadcasts news and updates on the airwaves throughout the day. (这个广播电台在整天广播中播报新闻和更新。)
- The DJ played the latest hits on the airwaves, keeping the listeners engaged. (DJ在广播中播放最新的流行歌曲,保持听众的参与。)