1. 查询的;质询的(表示对问题或信息的请求)
- I have a query about my order.(我对我的订单有一个查询。)
- Please let me know if you have any queries.(如果你有任何问题,请告诉我。)
1. 查询;疑问(指对问题的询问或疑惑)
- He called the customer service hotline with a query.(他拨打了客服热线询问一个问题。)
- I have a query regarding the payment.(我对付款有一个疑问。)
2. (计算机)查询(在数据库或互联网上搜索信息的指令)
- I entered a query into the search engine.(我在搜索引擎中输入了一个查询。)
- The database returned the results for my query.(数据库返回了我的查询结果。)
1. query letter:查询信(向出版商或代理机构介绍自己的作品并寻求合作的信件)
2. query language:查询语言(用于在数据库中进行查询操作的编程语言)
question, inquiry, investigation, interrogation
answer, solution
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
query (noun)
1. a question, esp one expressing doubt, uncertainty, or an objection
2. a less common name for question mark
query (verb)
1. to express uncertainty, doubt, or an objection concerning (something)
2. to express as a query
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
query (noun)
1. a question, especially one addressed to an official or organization
2. a doubt about the truth or validity of something
query (verb)
1. ask a question about something, especially in order to express one's doubts about it or to check its validity or accuracy
1. "query"作为名词时,常用介词"about"或"regarding"搭配。
2. "query"作为动词时,常用介词"whether"引导宾语从句。
- He had a query about the new company policy.(他对新公司政策有一个疑问。)
- Please submit your queries about the project in writing.(请以书面形式提交有关项目的问题。)
- I queried whether the information was accurate.(我对信息的准确性表示怀疑。)
- She queried him about his whereabouts last night.(她询问他昨晚的行踪。)
- The customer query was promptly addressed by the support team.(支持团队及时解答了客户的问题。)
- He raised a query regarding the safety procedures.(他提出了一个有关安全程序的疑问。)
- The database returned no results for the query.(数据库没有返回与查询相关的结果。)
- They are conducting a query to gather data for the research.(他们正在进行一项查询以收集研究数据。)
- The teacher encouraged students to ask queries during the lecture.(老师鼓励学生在讲座期间提问。)
- She sent a query letter to several literary agents.(她给几位文学代理商发送了一封查询信。)
- The journalist queried the politician about his controversial statement.(记者对这位政治家的有争议言论进行了质询。)
- The detective queried the suspect about his alibi.(侦探询问了嫌疑人的不在场证明。)
- Several queries were raised during the meeting.(会议期间提出了几个问题。)
- She had a query about the payment process.(她对支付过程有一个疑问。)
- Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.(如有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系。)
- The customer query was resolved by the technical support team.(技术支持团队解决了客户的查询。)
- I entered the search query into the search engine.(我在搜索引擎中输入了搜索查询。)
- He submitted a query to the database and received the results.(他向数据库提交了一个查询,然后得到了结果。)
- Please provide a detailed query so that we can assist you better.(请提供详细的查询以便我们更好地帮助您。)
- She received a prompt response to her query.(她的查询得到了及时的回复。)
- His query remained unanswered.(他的问题仍未被回答。)