Crystalline - 中英词典
1. 透明的;结晶的 - 英文释义:having a definite and highly organized structure, with a regular arrangement of its atoms or molecules - 例句: 1. The snowflakes sparkled in the sunlight, reflecting their crystalline structure.(雪花在阳光下闪闪发光,反射出它们的结晶结构。) 2. The diamond is prized for its crystalline clarity and brilliance.(钻石因其结晶般的透明度和光彩而备受珍视。) 2. 清晰的;明确的 - 英文释义:clear; well-defined - 例句: 1. The scientist presented a crystalline explanation of the complex theory.(科学家对这个复杂的理论进行了清晰的解释。) 2. The CEO provided a crystalline vision for the company's future.(首席执行官为公司的未来提供了明确的愿景。)名词
1. 结晶体 - 英文释义:a solid material whose atoms or molecules are arranged in a highly ordered, repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions - 例句: 1. The geode was filled with sparkling crystallines of quartz.(该洞穴矿石内充满了闪闪发光的石英结晶体。) 2. The study of crystallines helps scientists understand the properties of different minerals.(对结晶体的研究有助于科学家理解不同矿物质的特性。)词语辨析
- 英文释义:differentiate between similar words - 例句: 1. It is important to distinguish between an amorphous material and a crystalline material.(区分无定形材料和结晶材料非常重要。) 2. The clarity of a diamond is determined by its crystalline structure.(钻石的透明度取决于其结晶结构。)词汇扩充
- 英文释义:expand the vocabulary related to the word - 例句: 1. Crystallization: the process of forming crystals from a liquid or gas(结晶化:从液体或气体中形成晶体的过程) 2. Crystallography: the scientific study of crystals and their structures(晶体学:研究晶体及其结构的科学)近义词
- 英文释义:synonyms of the word - 例句: 1. Clear: transparent; lucid(透明的;清晰的) 2. Pure: unadulterated; clean(纯净的;干净的)反义词
- 英文释义:antonyms of the word - 例句: 1. Amorphous: lacking a definite form or shape(无定形的) 2. Opaque: not transparent; not allowing light to pass through(不透明的;不允许光线通过的)柯林斯词典
- 英文释义:definition of the word from Collins Dictionary - 例句: 1. Crystalline substances have the structure of crystals.(Crystalline 物质具有晶体的结构。)牛津词典
- 英文释义:definition of the word from Oxford Dictionary - 例句: 1. A crystalline substance has a regular pattern of atoms.(Crystalline 物质具有规律的原子排列模式。)用法
- 英文释义:usage notes and examples - 例句: 1. The crystalline structure of the mineral determined its hardness.(矿物的结晶结构决定了它的硬度。) 2. The scientist used X-ray diffraction to analyze the crystalline arrangement of the compound.(科学家使用X射线衍射分析了该化合物的结晶排列。)相关例句
- She gazed into the crystalline waters of the lake.(她凝视着湖水的晶莹剔透。)
- The gemstone displayed a stunning crystalline structure.(这颗宝石展示了令人惊叹的结晶结构。)
- The crystalline flakes of snow covered the ground.(结晶般的雪花覆盖了地面。)
- His crystalline explanation made the complex concept easy to understand.(他清晰的解释使复杂的概念易于理解。)
- The crystalline clarity of her voice captivated the audience.(她嗓音的清澈吸引了观众。)
- The scientist studied the crystalline structure of the mineral under a microscope.(科学家在显微镜下研究了矿物的结晶结构。)
- The crystalline lattice of the crystal determined its unique optical properties.(晶体的结晶晶格决定了它独特的光学性质。)
- She examined the crystalline structure of the rock formation.(她检查了岩石结构的结晶特征。)
- The crystalline nature of the substance allowed it to diffract light.(物质的结晶性质使其能够衍射光线。)
- The crystalline powder dissolved easily in water.(这种结晶粉末在水中容易溶解。)
- The crystalline structure of the diamond gave it exceptional hardness.(钻石的结晶结构使其具有极高的硬度。)
- The crystalline arrangement of atoms determined the properties of the mineral.(原子的结晶排列决定了矿物的性质。)
- The crystalline lattice of the substance allowed for efficient energy transfer.(物质的结晶晶格能够实现高效的能量传递。)
- The crystalline form of the compound exhibited unique optical properties.(这种化合物的结晶形式表现出独特的光学性质。)
- The crystalline structure of the snowflake was visible under the microscope.(雪花的结晶结构在显微镜下可见。)
- The crystalline substance refracted light at specific angles.(这种结晶物质以特定角度折射光线。)
- He admired the crystalline beauty of the ice sculptures.(他欣赏着冰雕的晶莹美丽。)
- The crystalline structure of the mineral determined its color and transparency.(矿物的结晶结构决定了它的颜色和透明度。)
- She marveled at the crystalline formations in the cave.(她对洞穴中的晶体形态感到惊叹。)
- The crystalline structure of the compound was analyzed using X-ray diffraction.(使用X射线衍射分析了该化合物的结晶结构。)
- The crystalline lattice of the mineral allowed it to exhibit unique optical properties.(矿物的结晶晶格使其能够表现出独特的光学性质。)