- 建立;创办;成立
- 确定;确立
- 安排;布置
- 证实;证明
- 已建立的;已成立的
- 已确立的
- 建立;成立
- 单位;机构
- (社会、经济等方面的)既成事实
- (某一行业的)实力派人物
establish与set up和found都可指“建立、创办”,但establish语气最强烈,指成立一个有组织的机构或组织,尤指政府、公司、学校等。
1. establish oneself: 立足,确立地位
2. establish contact: 建立联系
3. establish a reputation: 建立声誉
set up, found, create
abolish, dismantle
- If someone establishes something such as an organization, a type of activity, or a set of rules, they create it or introduce it in such a way that it is likely to last for a long time.
- If you establish a fact, situation, or system, you discover or get it, or you succeed in proving that it is true or in making it happen.
- If you establish someone or something in a particular place or position, you put them there in a position where they will be noticed, where they will be able to grow or develop, or where they will be able to operate successfully.
- If you establish contact or communication with someone, you succeed in starting it.
- Set up on a firm or permanent basis.
- Achieve permanent acceptance or recognition for.
- Show (something) to be true or certain by determining the facts.
1. establish a company
2. establish a theory
3. establish a record
4. establish a relationship
1. The company was established in 1990. (这家公司成立于1990年。)
2. She established her own law firm. (她创办了自己的律师事务所。)
3. They established a new world record. (他们创造了一个新的世界纪录。)
4. The study aims to establish a link between diet and cancer. (该研究旨在证明饮食与癌症之间的联系。)
5. He is an established writer in the literary circle. (他是文学界的一位资深作家。)
6. The establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries was a significant event. (两国建立外交关系是一件重要的事件。)
7. He works for a government establishment. (他在一个政府机构工作。)
8. The establishment of public schools was a major reform. (公立学校的建立是一项重大改革。)
9. The company is an established player in the fashion industry. (该公司是时尚行业的一家实力派。)
10. The evidence established his innocence. (证据证明了他的清白。)
11. They established themselves as leaders in the market. (他们在市场中确立了领导地位。)
12. After years of hard work, she finally established herself as a successful entrepreneur. (经过多年的努力,她终于确立了自己作为成功企业家的地位。)
13. The company aims to establish contact with potential investors. (该公司旨在与潜在投资者建立联系。)
14. He has established a reputation for being trustworthy. (他以可靠著称。)
15. The study establishes a correlation between smoking and lung cancer. (这项研究证实了吸烟与肺癌之间的相关性。)
16. They established the fact that she was present at the scene of the crime. (他们证实了她在犯罪现场的事实。)
17. The investigation established his guilt. (调查证实了他的罪行。)
18. The DNA test established the biological relationship between the two individuals. (DNA测试证实了两个人之间的生物关系。)
19. The study aims to establish whether there is a connection between the two variables. (该研究旨在确定两个变量之间是否存在联系。)
20. It is important to establish the cause of the problem before taking any action. (在采取任何行动之前,确定问题的原因非常重要。)