1. 定额;配额
- (对某一组织或个人)规定的数量或份额
synonyms: allocation, allotment, share
antonyms: unlimited, unrestricted
quota system (配额制度)
quota restrictions (配额限制)
import quotas (进口配额)
export quotas (出口配额)
Quotas are limits on the amount of something that people are allowed to have, usually in order to maintain fairness in a system.
A quota is a limited quantity of a particular product that people are allowed to have or that they must produce.
2. 指标;定额
- 根据某种指标或标准设定的目标或要求
synonyms: target, goal, requirement
antonyms: non-target, non-goal
sales quota (销售指标)
production quota (生产定额)
performance quota (绩效目标)
quota achievement (指标达成情况)
A quota is a target amount of something that someone expects or wants to achieve.
A quota is a fixed minimum or maximum number or amount of things that is allowed, especially in an organization or a country.
- The government has set import quotas to protect domestic industries. 政府设定了进口配额以保护国内产业。
- Each country has been allocated a quota for carbon emissions. 每个国家都被分配了一定的碳排放配额。
- The sales team failed to meet their monthly quota. 销售团队未能达到他们的月销售目标。
- She was given a quota of 100 widgets to produce by the end of the week. 她被要求在本周末前生产100个小部件。
- They exceeded their production quota for the year. 他们超过了本年的生产定额。
- The company's performance quotas are challenging but achievable. 公司的绩效目标既具有挑战性又可实现。
- The government has imposed quotas on fishing in order to protect endangered species. 政府实施了捕鱼配额以保护濒危物种。
- She managed to meet her sales quota ahead of schedule. 她提前完成了她的销售指标。
- The country has a quota on the number of immigrants it allows each year. 这个国家对每年允许的移民人数设有限额。
- The company has set a quota of hiring more female employees. 公司设定了雇佣更多女性员工的配额。
- He reached his target quota for the month and earned a bonus. 他达到了本月的目标指标并获得了奖金。
- The team's performance fell short of the set quotas. 团队的表现未能达到设定的指标。
- They are lobbying for an increase in their production quotas. 他们正在游说提高他们的生产配额。
- The government has lifted import quotas on certain goods. 政府已取消了对某些商品的进口配额。
- They have exceeded their annual quota of sales. 他们超过了年销售配额。
- She has been given a quota of 500 words for her article. 她为她的文章设定了500个字的限额。
- The company has set a high quota for customer satisfaction. 公司设定了高水平的客户满意度指标。
- Failure to meet the quota will result in penalties. 未能达到指标将受到处罚。
- The country has imposed strict quotas on the export of natural resources. 这个国家对自然资源的出口实施了严格的配额。
- They have a quota system in place for college admissions. 他们已经建立了一个大学招生的配额制度。