1. 英译中
形容词:- 补偿的;赔偿的
- 补偿;赔偿
- 报酬;报偿
2. 中译英
形容词:- compensatory
- compensation
- recompense
3. 词语辨析
4. 词汇扩充
compensation package (补偿套餐)
compensatory damages (赔偿损失)
compensatory leave (补偿休假)
5. 近义词
recompense, reimburse, indemnify
6. 反义词
deprive, penalize, forfeit
7. 柯林斯词典
词源:拉丁语 compensāre
衍生词:compensatory (形容词)
8. 牛津词典
词源:拉丁语 compensare
9. 用法
1. compensate somebody for something
2. compensate somebody with something
3. compensate for something
4. compensate somebody financially
10. 相关例句
- We will compensate you for any damage to your property during the construction process. (我们将为您在施工过程中对财产造成的任何损害进行赔偿。)
- The company has agreed to compensate the workers for their overtime. (公司已同意对加班工作进行补偿。)
- He received a large compensation package after being wrongfully terminated. (他因被错误解雇后获得了一笔巨额补偿。)
- The airline compensated the passengers with vouchers for the delayed flight. (航空公司以代金券对延误的航班进行了补偿。)
- The insurance company will compensate the policyholder for the stolen items. (保险公司将对被盗物品进行赔偿。)
- We need to find a way to compensate for the loss of revenue. (我们需要找到一种补偿收入损失的方法。)
- The company compensated him financially for the extra hours he worked. (公司对他额外工作的时间进行了经济赔偿。)
- She received a compensatory payment for the inconvenience caused. (她因造成的不便获得了一笔补偿款。)
- The compensatory leave policy allows employees to take time off after working overtime. (补偿休假政策允许员工在加班后休息。)
- They offered compensation to the affected families after the accident. (事故发生后,他们向受影响的家庭提供了赔偿。)
- The company failed to compensate the workers for their unpaid wages. (公司未能对工人的未支付工资进行补偿。)
- We found a way to compensate for the lost time. (我们找到了一种弥补失去时间的方法。)
- The company provided compensatory benefits to its employees. (公司为员工提供了补偿福利。)
- He demanded compensation from the driver who caused the accident. (他要求肇事司机赔偿。)
- The compensatory damages awarded to the plaintiff were significant. (判给原告的赔偿损失金额巨大。)
- She was compensated with a promotion for her hard work. (她因工作努力而得到了晋升的补偿。)
- The company will compensate you for the travel expenses incurred. (公司将对您产生的旅行费用进行补偿。)
- The compensatory measures were implemented to address the environmental impact. (为应对环境影响,实施了补偿措施。)
- We need to compensate for the lack of resources with innovative solutions. (我们需要通过创新解决方案来弥补资源的不足。)
- She received a compensatory payment for the inconvenience caused by the delay. (她因延误引起的不便获得了一笔补偿款。)