1. 绝对的,无条件的
Meaning: Not subject to any conditions or limitations.
- He offered his unconditional support to the project. (他无条件地支持这个项目。)
- The government granted the rebels unconditional amnesty. (政府无条件地赦免了叛乱分子。)
2. 无保留的,毫无保留的
Meaning: Without any reservations or qualifications.
- I have unconditional faith in his abilities. (我对他的能力有毫无保留的信任。)
- She gave her unconditional support to her friend's decision. (她对朋友的决定给予了毫无保留的支持。)
1. 绝对的
Meaning: Something that is not subject to any conditions or limitations.
- Love should be unconditional. (爱应该是无条件的。)
- We believe in the unconditional worth and dignity of every individual. (我们相信每个人都有无条件的价值和尊严。)
- unconditional vs. absolute: Both words can mean "without any conditions," but absolute emphasizes the completeness or definiteness of something, while unconditional emphasizes the lack of any requirements or limitations.
- unconditional vs. unequivocal: Unconditional means "without conditions," while unequivocal means "without any doubt or ambiguity."
- unconditionally (adverb): in an unconditional manner.
- unconditioned (adjective): not subject to conditioning or conditioning factors.
- unconditionality (noun): the quality of being unconditional.
- absolute
- complete
- unqualified
- unrestricted
- conditional
- limited
- qualified
- restricted
unconditional (adj.)
If you describe something as unconditional, you mean that the person doing or giving it does not require anything to be done by other people in exchange. (如果你形容某事是无条件的,你的意思是做或给予这种事情的人不需要其他人做任何事情作为交换。)
- We are offering you unconditional support. (我们向您提供无条件的支持。)
- Her unconditional love for her children was evident. (她对孩子们的无条件的爱是显而易见的。)
unconditional (adj.)
Not subject to any conditions; absolute. (不受任何条件的约束;绝对的。)
- Their love for each other was unconditional. (他们对彼此的爱是无条件的。)
- She gave her unconditional support to the cause. (她对这个事业给予了无条件的支持。)
- offer/give unconditional support (提供/给予无条件的支持)
- unconditional love (无条件的爱)
- unconditional surrender (无条件投降)
- unconditional release (无条件释放)
- unconditional approval (无条件批准)
- unconditional guarantee (无条件保证)
- 1. The company gave its employees unconditional support during the difficult times. (公司在艰难时期对员工给予了无条件的支持。)
- 2. He loves his children unconditionally, no matter what mistakes they make. (他无条件地爱着他的孩子,无论他们犯了什么错误。)
- 3. The government's decision to grant the rebels unconditional amnesty was controversial. (政府决定给予叛乱分子无条件赦免引起了争议。)
- 4. The judge ordered the unconditional release of the accused due to lack of evidence. (法官因证据不足下令无条件释放被告。)
- 5. Her unconditional faith in him never wavered, even in the face of adversity. (她对他的无条件信任从未动摇,即使面对逆境。)
- 6. The company's offer of unconditional money-back guarantee attracted many customers. (公司无条件退款保证的优惠吸引了许多顾客。)
- 7. The charity provides unconditional support to families in need. (这个慈善机构向有需要的家庭提供无条件的支持。)
- 8. He promised his wife unconditional loyalty and devotion. (他向妻子承诺无条件的忠诚和奉献。)
- 9. The teacher's unconditional approval of the student's project boosted his confidence. (老师对学生项目的无条件批准增强了他的信心。)
- 10. The team's coach demanded unconditional commitment from each player. (团队教练要求每个队员都无条件地投入。)
- 11. The company's success is attributed to the unconditional trust and loyalty of its customers. (公司的成功归因于顾客的无条件信任和忠诚。)
- 12. The organization's primary goal is to promote unconditional love and acceptance. (该组织的主要目标是促进无条件的爱和接受。)
- 13. The parents' unconditional love and support were instrumental in their child's recovery. (父母无条件的爱和支持对孩子的康复起到了关键作用。)
- 14. The politician's promise of unconditional tax cuts resonated with the voters. (政治家无条件减税的承诺引起了选民的共鸣。)
- 15. The peace treaty included an unconditional ceasefire agreement. (和平条约中包括了无条件的停火协议。)
- 16. The singer's fan base showed their unconditional dedication by camping outside the concert venue for days. (歌手的粉丝通过连续几天在音乐会场外露营展示了他们无条件的奉献。)
- 17. The government's decision to grant unconditional pardons to political prisoners was met with mixed reactions. (政府决定对政治犯进行无条件的赦免引起了各种反应。)
- 18. The company's CEO expressed his unconditional support for the employees' unionization efforts. (公司的首席执行官表示对员工组建工会的努力给予无条件的支持。)
- 19. The child's unconditional apology melted the teacher's heart. (孩子无条件的道歉感动了老师的心。)
- 20. The organization provides unconditional financial aid to families affected by natural disasters. (该组织向受自然灾害影响的家庭提供无条件的经济援助。)