形容词 (Adjective)
1. 下流的;卑劣的;无耻的 (Meaning: disgraceful; despicable; shameful)
2. 偷偷的;秘密的 (Meaning: secretive; covert)
名词 (Noun)
1. 告密者;线人 (Meaning: informer; informant; snitcher)
2. 小偷 (Meaning: thief; burglar)
"snitch" 和 "informant" 都可以用来指告密者,但 "snitch" 更常用于非正式场合,有时带有贬义。"informer" 则更常用于正式场合。
1. snitcher (名词):告密者;线人 (Meaning: informer; betrayer)
2. snitching (动词):告密 (Meaning: to inform; to betray)
3. snitchery (名词):告密行为 (Meaning: act of informing; act of betrayal)
informer, betrayer, tattletale, stool pigeon
loyalist, supporter, confidant
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
snitch (noun)
1. (informal) a person who acts as an informer or decoy for the police
2. (US, slang) a thief
snitch (verb)
1. (informal) to steal; pilfer
2. (US, slang) to act as an informer or decoy for the police
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
snitch (noun)
1. (informal) a person who tells someone in authority about something wrong that someone has done, especially in secret or as a way of causing trouble
snitch (verb)
1. (informal) to secretly tell someone in authority, especially a teacher, about something wrong that someone has done
2. (US, slang) to steal something
1. He's such a snitch. I can't trust him with anything. (他是个真会告密的人,我对他一点信任都没有。)
2. The police used a snitch to catch the drug dealer. (警方利用了线人来捉拿毒贩。)
3. Don't be a snitch and tell on your friends. (别做个告密者,不要出卖你的朋友。)
4. She snitched on her coworkers to get a promotion. (为了升职,她告发了她的同事。)
5. The little boy snitched a candy from the store. (小男孩从商店偷了一颗糖果。)
6. The teacher warned the students not to snitch on each other. (老师警告学生们不要互相告密。)
7. He snitched his sister's toys and claimed they were his. (他偷了他妹妹的玩具,并声称它们是他的。)
8. The snitchery of some people is truly despicable. (有些人的告密行为真是可耻。)
9. The police rely on snitches to gather information about criminal activities. (警方依靠线人来收集有关犯罪活动的信息。)
10. I can't believe he snitched on me to the boss. (我无法相信他向老板告了我的密。)
11. The snitcher was rewarded with a reduced sentence. (告密者因向警方提供线索而获得了减刑。)
12. The snitch gave the police valuable information about the drug operation. (线人向警方提供了有关毒品行动的重要信息。)
13. The snitching culture in this neighborhood makes it difficult to trust anyone. (这个社区的告密文化让人很难信任任何人。)
14. The snitcher was ostracized by everyone after betraying his friends. (那个告密者背叛了他的朋友后被大家排斥了。)
15. She felt guilty after snitching on her brother, but she knew it was the right thing to do. (她向警方告发她的哥哥后感到内疚,但她知道那是正确的做法。)
16. The snitch revealed the location of the hidden money to the police. (线人向警方透露了钱的隐藏地点。)
17. He was known as the neighborhood snitch because he always reported his neighbors' activities to the authorities. (他因为总是向当局举报他邻居的行为而被称为社区的告密者。)
18. The gang members threatened to harm anyone who snitched on them. (帮派成员威胁要伤害任何向警方告密的人。)
19. The snitching policy of the company created a culture of fear and suspicion among employees. (公司的告密政策在员工中造成了一种恐惧和怀疑的文化。)
20. The snitch was placed in witness protection after providing key evidence in the trial. (线人在提供关键证据后被安置在证人保护计划中。)