convictions [kənˈvɪkʃənz] (复数) 1. 坚定的信念;确信;深信 2. (法律) 定罪
conviction [kənˈvɪkʃən] (名词) 1. 坚定的信念;确信;深信 2. (法律) 定罪
convictions 和 conviction 都指坚定的信念或深信不疑。但 convictions 是复数形式,主要用于表示个人的信念、价值观等;conviction 则常用于指法庭对某人的定罪。
- belief (名词):信念,信仰
- faith (名词):信念,信仰
- assurance (名词):确信,确信无疑
- certainty (名词):确信,确信无疑
- doubt (名词):怀疑,疑虑
- skepticism (名词):怀疑,怀疑论
- unbelief (名词):不信仰,无信念
convictions [kənˈvɪkʃənz] (复数) 1. 坚定的;深信不疑的
conviction [kənˈvɪkʃən] (名词) 1. 坚定的信念;确信;深信 2. (法律) 定罪
convictions 和 conviction 都指坚定的信念或深信不疑。但 convictions 是复数形式,主要用于表示个人的信念、价值观等;conviction 则常用于指法庭对某人的定罪。
- firm (形容词):坚定的,稳固的
- unshakable (形容词):不可动摇的,坚定的
- strong (形容词):坚定的,强烈的
- decisive (形容词):坚决的,果断的
- doubtful (形容词):怀疑的,不确定的
- indecisive (形容词):优柔寡断的
- unconvincing (形容词):不令人信服的
- ambiguous (形容词):模棱两可的
convictions (名词) 1. If someone has convictions, they have strong beliefs about something. 2. A conviction is a strong belief or opinion. 3. A conviction is the act of finding someone guilty of a crime in a court of law. 4. If someone has a conviction for something, they have been found guilty of it and it is recorded on their criminal record. 5. A conviction is the feeling or belief that you can rely on someone or something.
convictions (名词) 1. A conviction is a strong belief or opinion. 2. A conviction is the act of finding someone guilty of a crime in a court of law. 3. If someone has a conviction for something, they have been found guilty of it and it is recorded on their criminal record.
- She has strong convictions about animal rights. (她对动物权益有坚定的信念。)
- He was known for his political convictions. (他以其政治信念而闻名。)
- The court reached a conviction based on the evidence. (法庭根据证据达成了定罪。)
- He has a conviction for burglary. (他有一项入室盗窃的定罪记录。)
- I have conviction in his abilities. (我对他的能力有信心。)
- She has strong convictions about environmental conservation. (她对环境保护有坚定的信念。)
- His religious convictions guide his actions. (他的宗教信念指引着他的行动。)
- I admire her conviction and determination. (我钦佩她的坚定和决心。)
- The conviction of the defendant was based on solid evidence. (被告的定罪是基于坚实的证据。)
- He has a prior criminal conviction for theft. (他有一项先前的盗窃犯罪记录。)
- Despite the challenges, she remained firm in her convictions. (尽管面临挑战,她依然坚定地坚持自己的信念。)
- The lawyer argued for the defendant's conviction to be overturned. (律师辩称应该撤销被告的有罪判决。)
- Her convictions led her to become an activist for social justice. (她的信念使她成为了一名社会正义活动家。)
- After much consideration, she made the decision with conviction. (经过深思熟虑,她坚定地做出了决定。)
- His convictions were shaped by his upbringing and life experiences. (他的信念受到他的成长和生活经历的影响。)
- The jury's conviction was unanimous. (陪审团一致定罪。)
- He was released from prison after serving his conviction. (他服刑后获释。)
- Her unwavering conviction inspired others to join the cause. (她坚定不移的信念激励他人加入这个事业。)
- The lawyer argued for a conviction of manslaughter instead of murder. (律师辩称应该定罪为过失杀人而非谋杀。)
- He has a long history of criminal convictions. (他有着长期的犯罪定罪记录。)
- Her strong convictions sometimes make it difficult for her to compromise. (她的坚定信念有时使她很难妥协。)
- The conviction of the defendant was supported by DNA evidence. (被告的定罪得到了DNA证据的支持。)
- His convictions motivated him to fight for equality and justice. (他的信念激励他为平等和正义而奋斗。)
- Her strong conviction in her abilities helped her overcome challenges. (她对自己能力的坚定信念帮助她克服了困难。)
- The judge handed down a conviction of life imprisonment. (法官宣判无期徒刑。)