1. highlighting
英[ˈhaɪˌlaɪtɪŋ] 美[ˈhaɪˌlaɪtɪŋ]
1. highlighting
英[ˈhaɪˌlaɪtɪŋ] 美[ˈhaɪˌlaɪtɪŋ]
1. 突出显示;标亮处
2. (绘画中的)明暗法
highlighted (过去式/过去分词)
highlight (动词)
emphasizing, accentuating, underscoring
downplaying, diminishing
highlighting (动词)
1. If someone highlights a point or problem, they emphasize it or give it special importance.
2. If a newspaper or magazine highlights an event or subject, they write about it in a way that makes it seem particularly important.
highlighting (名词)
1. The action of highlighting something.
2. The action of marking something on a display or computer screen.
1. The report highlighted the need for improved safety measures. (这份报告强调了需要改进安全措施。)
2. The article highlights the importance of regular exercise. (这篇文章突出了定期锻炼的重要性。)
3. The highlighting on this page makes it easier to find key information. (这页上的突出显示使得查找关键信息更加容易。)
- The speaker used a laser pointer to highlight important points during the presentation. (演讲者在演示过程中使用激光笔来突出显示重要观点。)
- The highlighted text indicates the changes made to the document. (突出显示的文本表示对文档所做的更改。)
- The article emphasized the need for environmental conservation. (这篇文章强调了环境保护的必要性。)
- The new advertising campaign accentuates the company's commitment to sustainability. (新的广告宣传活动突出了公司对可持续发展的承诺。)
- The highlighting of the main characters in the painting adds depth to the composition. (画中主要角色的明暗处理使得画面更具层次感。)
- She used a yellow marker to highlight the important information in the textbook. (她用黄色记号笔突出显示教科书中的重要信息。)
- The highlight of the trip was the visit to the ancient ruins. (这次旅行的亮点是参观古代遗迹。)
- The report underscores the need for increased funding in education. (这份报告强调了教育资金的增加需求。)
- The CEO downplayed the negative impact of the company's financial losses. (首席执行官淡化了公司财务损失的负面影响。)
- His speech diminished the achievements of his team members. (他的演讲贬低了团队成员的成就。)
- The newspaper highlighted the growing problem of pollution in the city. (这家报纸突出报道了城市污染问题日益严重的情况。)
- The highlighting of the text makes it easier to read. (文本的突出显示使得阅读更加容易。)
- The professor highlighted the key points of the lecture on the whiteboard. (教授在白板上突出显示了讲座的要点。)
- The highlighting of the menu options helps users navigate the website. (菜单选项的突出显示帮助用户浏览网站。)
- The highlighting of the actor's performance received rave reviews from critics. (对演员表演的突出评价获得了评论家的好评。)
- The article emphasizes the importance of early childhood education. (这篇文章强调了幼儿教育的重要性。)
- She used bold font to highlight the headings in her report. (她在报告中使用粗体字突出显示标题。)
- The highlighted words in the document indicate spelling errors. (文档中突出显示的单词表示拼写错误。)
- The presentation underscored the need for teamwork in achieving success. (这个演示强调了团队合作在取得成功中的重要性。)
- The manager downplays the significance of customer complaints. (经理淡化了顾客投诉的重要性。)
- Her accomplishments were highlighted in the company newsletter. (她的成就在公司的通讯中得到了突出报道。)