remonstrate (verb)
If you remonstrate with someone, you protest to them about something you do not agree with.
【示例】He was too polite to remonstrate with her about her driving.
【同义词】protest, complain, object, object to
remonstrate (verb)
To protest or complain about something.
【示例】The company has remonstrated with the bank.
【同义词】protest, complain, object, expostulate
1. They remonstrated with the government about the new tax policy. (他们向政府抗议新的税收政策。)
2. She remonstrated against the unfair treatment she received. (她对她所受到的不公平待遇进行了抗议。)
3. He remonstrated with his boss about the excessive workload. (他向上司抗议过度的工作量。)
4. The students remonstrated with the school administration for canceling the event. (学生们对学校行政部门取消活动进行了抗议。)
5. The workers remonstrated against the pay cut. (工人们对减薪进行了抗议。)
1. He remonstrated with his friend for being late to the meeting. (他向他的朋友抗议会议迟到。)
2. She remonstrated against the unfair treatment she received. (她对她所受到的不公平待遇进行了抗议。)
3. The employees remonstrated with the management over the pay cuts. (雇员们对工资削减向管理层进行了抗议。)
4. The students remonstrated with the school administration for canceling the event. (学生们对学校行政部门取消活动进行了抗议。)
5. He remonstrated with his boss about the excessive workload. (他向上司抗议过度的工作量。)
6. They remonstrated with the government about the new tax policy. (他们向政府抗议新的税收政策。)
7. The citizens remonstrated against the construction of the new highway. (市民们对新公路的建设进行了抗议。)
8. The workers remonstrated against the pay cut. (工人们对减薪进行了抗议。)
9. She remonstrated with her neighbor about the noise coming from their apartment. (她向邻居抗议他们公寓传来的噪音。)
10. The protesters remonstrated peacefully outside the government building. (抗议者在政府大楼外和平抗议。)
11. He remonstrated with his colleagues about the unfair distribution of work. (他向同事们抗议工作的不公平分配。)
12. The community remonstrated against the closure of the local library. (社区对当地图书馆的关闭进行了抗议。)
13. The parents remonstrated with the school board over the lack of resources for special education. (家长们对学校董事会缺乏特殊教育资源进行了抗议。)
14. The activists remonstrated with the government for their inaction on climate change. (活动人士对政府在应对气候变化问题上的无所作为进行了抗议。)
15. She remonstrated with her friend for breaking their promise. (她向朋友抗议他们的违约行为。)
16. The union remonstrated against the proposed layoffs. (工会对拟议中的裁员进行了抗议。)
17. He remonstrated with the referee over the unfair decision. (他对裁判的不公正决定进行了抗议。)
18. The opposition party remonstrated with the government's economic policies. (反对党对政府的经济政策进行了抗议。)
19. The environmentalists remonstrated with the company for polluting the river. (环保主义者对公司污染河流进行了抗议。)
20. The citizens remonstrated against the increase in taxes. (市民们对增税进行了抗议。)