obsessed [əbˈsɛst] (adj.)
- (对某事物)着迷的,痴迷的
- (对某人)痴迷的,迷恋的
obsession [əbˈsɛʃən] (n.)
- 痴迷,着迷
- 困扰,纠缠
- obsessively (adv.) 痴迷地,着迷地
- obsessiveness (n.) 痴迷,着迷
obsessed (adj.)
- If someone is obsessed with a person or thing, they keep thinking about them and find it difficult to think about anything else.
obsession (n.)
- If you say that someone has an obsession with a person or thing, you think they are spending too much time thinking about that person or thing.
- If you say that someone has an obsession with an idea or an activity, you mean they think about it all the time and perhaps spend too much time on it.
obsessed (adj.)
- Unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in or worried about something.
obsession (n.)
- The state of being obsessed with someone or something.
obsessed和obsession均可用于形容人对某事物或某人的过分痴迷和迷恋,表达强烈的情感和固定的思绪。常见的搭配有be obsessed with,become obsessed with等。
- I'm completely obsessed with this new TV series.(我对这部新电视剧完全着迷。)
- She became obsessed with finding the perfect gift.(她迷上了寻找完美礼物。)
- His obsession with cleanliness is starting to annoy me.(他对清洁的执着开始让我烦恼了。)
- She has an obsession with her appearance.(她对自己的外貌有着执念。)
- Their obsessive love for each other was evident.(他们彼此的痴迷之情非常明显。)
- He was fixated on becoming a famous actor.(他执念于成为一名著名演员。)
- She was too preoccupied with her own problems to notice others.(她对自己的问题过于忧虑,没有注意到其他人。)
- The book was so engrossing that I couldn't put it down.(这本书太吸引人了,我无法放下。)
- She's obsessed with her weight and is always on a diet.(她对自己的体重痴迷,总是节食。)
- He has an obsession with conspiracy theories.(他对阴谋论有着执念。)
- I can't believe how much time he spends on his obsessions.(我无法相信他花了多少时间在他的执念上。)
- Her obsession with success has driven away her friends.(她对成功的迷恋让她失去了朋友。)
- His obsessions take up all his free time.(他的执念占据了他所有的空闲时间。)
- She has an obsession with cleanliness and is constantly cleaning her apartment.(她对清洁有着执念,总是不停地打扫她的公寓。)
- His obsessiveness about his appearance is exhausting.(他对自己的外貌的过分关注让人筋疲力尽。)
- I don't understand his obsessiveness with order.(我无法理解他对秩序的过分追求。)
- Her obsessiveness with getting straight A's in school is causing her a lot of stress.(她对在学校里要拿到全A的执着追求给她带来了很大的压力。)
- He seems to be obsessed with the idea of becoming famous.(他似乎对成名的想法着迷。)
- She's obsessed with her ex-boyfriend and can't move on.(她对她以前的男朋友念念不忘,无法释怀。)
- Her obsession with finding the truth has become unhealthy.(她对寻找真相的执念已经变得不健康了。)
- He's becoming obsessed with his online gaming addiction.(他对网络游戏的沉迷越来越严重。)
- His obsession with money is driving him to work excessively.(他对金钱的执念让他过度工作。)