形容词: 1. 喧闹的,嘈杂的(noisy)。 2. 风暴般的,猛烈的(stormy)。 名词: 1. 吼声,咆哮声(a loud, deep sound)。词语辨析
Roared与其他词的辨析: - Roared与shouted的区别在于前者指的是动物的咆哮声,后者则是人类的大声喊叫声。 - Roared与rumble的区别在于前者强调声音的高亢而有力,后者则更多指隆隆声或低沉的声音。词汇扩充
- roar with laughter(大声笑):to laugh very loudly - a lion's roar(狮子的咆哮声):the loud, deep sound made by a lion - the roar of the crowd(人群的喧闹声):the loud noise made by a large crowd - the roar of engines(发动机的轰鸣声):the loud noise made by engines近义词
- bellow - thunder - boom反义词
- whisper - murmur柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
roared: 1. (verb) If something, usually a vehicle, roars somewhere, it goes there noisily and quickly. 2. (verb) If a crowd of people roars, they shout together in a loud voice, usually because they are excited, angry, or cheering.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
roared: 1. (verb) (of a lion or other large wild animal) give a loud, deep, resonant sound. 2. (verb) (of a vehicle) move with speed and force. 3. (verb) (of a person or a group of people) shout or laugh loudly and without restraint.用法
- The lion roared loudly in the zoo. - The engines of the racing cars roared as they sped past. - The crowd roared with excitement as their team scored a goal. - She roared with laughter at the comedian's jokes.相关例句
- The lion roared loudly in the zoo.(狮子在动物园里大声咆哮。)
- He roared with anger when he found out what had happened.(当他发现发生了什么事情时,他勃然大怒。)
- The engines roared as the plane took off.(飞机起飞时,引擎轰鸣。)
- The crowd roared with joy when their team won the championship.(当他们的队赢得冠军时,人群欢呼雀跃。)
- He roared at his employees for their careless mistakes.(他因员工们的粗心错误而大声斥责。)
- The thunder roared in the distance, signaling an approaching storm.(远处雷声隆隆,预示着一场即将来临的风暴。)
- The waves roared against the rocks, creating a powerful sound.(海浪拍打着岩石,发出一声声震撼人心的声音。)
- He roared with laughter at the joke.(他对这个笑话大笑起来。)
- The motorcycle roared down the empty street.(摩托车在空荡荡的街道上飞驰而过。)
- The wind roared through the trees, causing them to sway violently.(风呼啸着穿过树林,使得树木剧烈摇晃。)
- The lion's roar could be heard from miles away.(狮子的吼声能够听到几英里之外。)
- The roar of the crowd filled the stadium.(人群的喧闹声充满了体育场。)
- Her roar of anger echoed through the house.(她愤怒的咆哮声在房子里回荡。)
- The roar of the engines drowned out all other sounds.(发动机的轰鸣声盖过了其他所有声音。)
- He let out a roar of frustration.(他发出一声沮丧的怒吼。)
- The roar of the waterfall was deafening.(瀑布的轰鸣声震耳欲聋。)
- The crowd's roar of approval filled the auditorium.(人群的赞同之声充满了礼堂。)
- The lion let out a roar to assert his dominance.(狮子发出一声咆哮来显示他的统治地位。)
- The roar of the waves crashing against the shore was mesmerizing.(海浪拍打岸边的声音令人着迷。)
- The crowd's roar of disapproval was impossible to ignore.(人群的反对之声不容忽视。)