1. 形容词
motionless: 静止的,不动的
motion sickness: 晕动病,晕船晕车
2. 名词
motion: 运动,动作
motions: 动议,提案
3. 词语辨析
4. 词汇扩充
commotion: 骚动,动乱
emotion: 情感,情绪
promote: 提出,推动
5. 近义词
6. 反义词
7. 柯林斯词典
1. the act, process, or state of changing place or position; movement
2. a specific movement of the body or limbs, as in a dance
3. a formal proposal put forward for debate or discussion at a meeting
8. 牛津词典
1. the action or process of moving or being moved
2. a formal proposal put to a legislature or committee
3. a gesture or action used to express or convey information or an instruction
9. 用法
He made a motion to adjourn the meeting early.
The motion of the waves was mesmerizing.
She was overcome by motion sickness during the boat trip.
10. 相关例句
His motions were smooth and graceful as he danced across the stage. (他跳舞时的动作流畅而优美。)
The car was in motion as it sped down the highway. (汽车正在高速行驶中。)
She made a motion with her hand, indicating for him to come closer. (她用手做了个动作,示意他靠近。)
The company motioned for a vote on the proposed changes. (公司提出就所提议的变更进行投票。)
He felt a sense of motion sickness as the roller coaster twisted and turned. (过山车的盘旋使他感到晕动病。)
They were thrown around by the violent motions of the ship during the storm. (在风暴中,他们被船的剧烈晃动摇来摇去。)
The motion to increase funding for education was unanimously approved. (增加教育经费的提案一致通过。)
He watched the motion of the leaves as they rustled in the wind. (他观察着叶子在风中沙沙作响时的摆动。)
She sat in motionless silence, deep in thought. (她静坐不动,陷入了沉思。)
The motion of the pendulum was hypnotic. (钟摆的摆动如同催眠般。)
The commotion in the crowd grew louder as the protesters clashed with the police. (随着抗议者与警察发生冲突,人群中的骚动声越来越大。)
She struggled to control her emotions and appear calm in front of the audience. (她努力控制自己的情绪,在观众面前保持冷静。)
The company aims to promote sustainable development through its environmental initiatives. (该公司旨在通过其环保倡议来推动可持续发展。)
The movement of the dancer was fluid and graceful. (舞者的动作流畅而优美。)
The activity in the city center increased as people prepared for the festival. (随着人们为节日做准备,市中心的活动增加了。)
He took action to address the issue and find a solution. (他采取行动解决问题并找到解决办法。)
The lake was so calm that there was a sense of stillness in the air. (湖面如此平静,空气中弥漫着一种静谧的氛围。)
After a busy day, he enjoyed the inactivity of sitting by the fireplace. (忙碌了一天后,他喜欢坐在壁炉旁的安静。)