concocted: 编造的,捏造的
concoction: 调制品,混合物
- concoct与fabricate的区别:concoct指编造(尤指谎言),而fabricate指编造(尤指证据、故事等)。
- concocter:编造者
- concoctive:编造的
- concoctively:编造地
- invent: 发明
- fabricate: 编造
- contrive: 设计
- reveal: 揭露
- disclose: 公开
concoct (verb)
If someone concocts an excuse or explanation, they invent one that is untrue.
- He concocted a story about working late at the office.
If someone concocts a plan or scheme, they invent it and then make it happen.
- They concocted a plan to escape.
If someone concocts a drug or drink, they mix different ingredients together to make it.
- He concocted a potion to cure all ills.
concoct (verb)
Create or devise (a story or plan).
- She concocted a preposterous but entertaining explanation.
Make (a dish or meal) by combining various ingredients.
- The soup was concocted from up to a dozen different kinds of fish.
- concoct something: 编造、混合某物
- concoct a story/excuse/plan/meal: 编造故事/借口/计划/餐点
1. He concocted a story about his lost wallet. (他编造了一个关于他遗失钱包的故事。)
2. The students concocted an elaborate plan to prank their teacher. (学生们制定了一个精心设计的计划来恶作剧他们的老师。)
3. She concocted a delicious meal using various spices. (她用多种香料调制了一顿美味的餐点。)
4. The politician concocted a false excuse to avoid answering the difficult question. (这位政治家编造了一个虚假的借口以避免回答那个困难的问题。)
5. The chef concocted a unique dessert combining chocolate and chili. (厨师混合了巧克力和辣椒制作了一道独特的甜点。)
6. The detective suspected that the suspect had concocted an alibi. (侦探怀疑嫌疑人编造了一个不在场证明。)
7. She concocted a potion to cure her cold. (她配制了一种治疗感冒的药剂。)
8. The criminal concocted an elaborate plan to rob the bank. (罪犯制定了一个精心设计的计划来抢劫银行。)
9. He was known for his ability to concoct stories that sounded believable. (他以编造听起来可信的故事而闻名。)
10. The chef concocted a special sauce to accompany the main course. (厨师调制了一种特制的酱汁来搭配主菜。)
11. The novelist concocted a complex plot for her latest book. (这位小说家为她最新的书构思了一个复杂的情节。)
12. She concocted a plan to surprise her friend on their birthday. (她制定了一个计划,以在朋友的生日上给她一个惊喜。)
13. The suspect concocted a false alibi to prove his innocence. (嫌疑人编造了一个虚假的不在场证明以证明自己的清白。)
14. The bartender concocted a cocktail using a variety of spirits. (调酒师用各种烈酒调制了一种鸡尾酒。)
15. They concocted a scheme to cheat their way to the top. (他们设计了一个骗取成功的计划。)
16. The chef concocted a special dish for the VIP guests. (厨师为贵宾们烹制了一道特别的菜肴。)
17. The company concocted a clever marketing campaign to attract customers. (公司制定了一项巧妙的市场推广活动来吸引客户。)
18. The suspect concocted a false identity to evade capture. (嫌疑人编造了一个虚假身份以逃避捕捉。)
19. The chef concocted a new recipe using unconventional ingredients. (厨师用非传统的食材研制了一个新配方。)
20. The detective suspected that the witness had concocted her story. (侦探怀疑目击者编造了她的故事。)