中英词典- "balanced"
1. 平衡的;均衡的
- 英文解释:in a state of equilibrium; having equal proportions of elements or parts
- 例句:
- The dietitian recommended a balanced diet for optimal health.(营养师建议均衡饮食以维持最佳健康状态。)
- A balanced approach is necessary to solve this problem.(解决这个问题需要一种平衡的方法。)
2. 稳定的;稳重的
- 英文解释:showing a steadiness and emotional stability
- 例句:
- He has a balanced temperament and rarely gets upset.(他性格稳定,很少生气。)
- A balanced mind is essential for making rational decisions.(保持稳定的心态对做出理性决策至关重要。)
1. 平衡;均衡
- 英文解释:a state of equilibrium or equal distribution of weight or quantity
- 例句:
- Yoga can help improve balance and flexibility.(瑜伽可以帮助提高平衡和灵活性。)
- The key to success lies in finding a balance between work and personal life.(成功的关键在于在工作和个人生活之间找到平衡。)
1. balanced vs. unbalanced
- 英文解释:balanced refers to something that is in a state of equilibrium or has equal proportions, while unbalanced refers to something that lacks equilibrium or equal proportions.
- 例句:
- She maintains a balanced diet, while her friend has an unbalanced eating pattern.(她保持均衡的饮食,而她的朋友则有不均衡的饮食习惯。)
- The budget proposal needs to be balanced to ensure financial stability, not unbalanced.(预算提案需要平衡以确保财务稳定,而不是不平衡的。)
- 相关形容词:harmonious, symmetrical, proportional
- 相关名词:balance, equilibrium, stability
- 相关动词:balance, stabilize
1. even, equal, fair
2. stable, steady, consistent
1. unbalanced
2. unstable, shaky
balanced (adj.)
1. If something is balanced, it remains steady and does not fall.
2. Something that is balanced is the right size or weight because the different parts or aspects are in the correct proportion relative to each other.
3. If you describe someone as balanced, you mean that they are calm and unlikely to change suddenly or in an extreme way.
4. A balanced account or report is a fair and accurate one because it considers all the relevant facts or opinions.
5. A balanced diet contains the correct types and amounts of food needed for good health.
balanced (adj.)
1. Keeping or showing a balance; arranged in good proportions.
2. Having different elements in the correct proportions.
3. (of a person) calm and reasonable; sane.
4. Based on or considering all relevant factors and fairly treated all competing interests or claims.
1. Have a balanced diet to maintain good health.
2. It's important to keep a balanced perspective when making decisions.
3. The artist created a balanced composition in the painting.
4. The government aims to achieve a balanced budget.
5. The therapist helps her clients achieve a balanced state of mind.
1. He tries to maintain a balanced lifestyle by exercising regularly and eating well.(他通过定期锻炼和饮食均衡来保持健康的生活方式。)
2. The company strives to maintain a balanced approach between innovation and stability.(该公司努力在创新和稳定之间保持平衡的方法。)
3. The balanced allocation of resources is crucial for the success of the project.(资源的平衡分配对项目的成功至关重要。)
4. She has a balanced personality and is able to handle stressful situations well.(她性格平衡,能够很好地应对压力情况。)
5. The judge gave a balanced and impartial verdict in the trial.(法官在审判中作出了公正和客观的裁决。)
6. The gymnast demonstrated incredible balance while performing on the balance beam.(体操运动员在平衡木上的表演中展示了令人难以置信的平衡能力。)
7. The scales tipped towards a balanced outcome after considering all the evidence.(在考虑了所有证据后,天平倾向于一个平衡的结果。)
8. The chef carefully balanced the flavors in the dish to create a harmonious taste.(厨师仔细调配菜肴中的味道,创造出一种和谐的口感。)
9. The therapist helps her clients find a balance between work and personal life.(治疗师帮助她的客户在工作和个人生活之间找到平衡。)
10. The government aims to achieve a balanced economy by promoting both domestic and international trade.(政府致力于通过促进国内和国际贸易来实现经济的均衡发展。)