drawbacked: 有缺点的,有不利条件的
drawback: 缺点,不利条件
disadvantage: 不利因素,缺点
weakness: 弱点,缺点
- drawback与disadvantage和weakness都有“缺点”的意思,但drawback更偏向于指某事物的不利条件或局限性。
- disadvantage指相对于他人或其他事物的不利因素,强调相对性。
- weakness指某人或某事物的缺点或弱点,强调内在性。
pitfall: 隐患,陷阱
flaw: 缺陷,瑕疵
shortcoming: 缺点,不足之处
- disadvantage, weakness, flaw, shortcoming, pitfall
- advantage, merit, strength, asset
drawback (noun)
1. A
drawback is a disadvantage or problem that makes something a less attractive option.
2. The
drawback of the plan is its cost.
drawback (noun)
1. A
drawback is a disadvantage or problem that makes something less attractive.
2. The main
drawback of the system is its complexity.
- You should consider the
drawbacks before making a decision.
- The
drawbacks of the new policy outweigh its benefits.
- One major
drawback of living in a big city is the high cost of living.
1. The high cost of maintenance is a
drawback of owning a luxury car. (拥有豪车的一个不利之处是高昂的维护费用。)
2. The lack of public transportation is a major
drawback in this area. (这个地区缺乏公共交通是一个主要的缺点。)
3. One
drawback of online shopping is the inability to physically try on the products. (网购的一个缺点是无法亲自试穿产品。)
4. The
drawbacks of the new system became apparent after its implementation. (新系统的缺点在实施后显露出来。)
5. The
drawback to working from home is the lack of social interaction. (在家工作的缺点是缺乏社交互动。)
6. The main
drawback of this method is its time-consuming nature. (这种方法的主要缺点是耗时。)
7. The
drawbacks of the proposal were discussed extensively during the meeting. (在会议期间广泛讨论了这项建议的缺点。)
8. One
drawback of living in the countryside is the limited access to amenities. (住在乡村的一个缺点是享受设施的机会有限。)
9. The
drawbacks of the product were outweighed by its numerous advantages. (该产品的缺点被其众多的优点所抵消。)
10. The
drawbacks associated with this method need to be carefully considered. (需要仔细考虑与这种方法相关的缺点。)
11. Despite its
drawbacks, the new software offers several innovative features. (尽管有其缺点,这款新软件提供了几个创新功能。)
12. The main
drawback of the job is the long working hours. (这份工作的主要缺点是工作时间长。)
13. The
drawbacks of using this outdated technology are becoming more apparent. (使用这种过时的技术的缺点变得更加明显。)
14. The
drawbacks of relying on public transportation include limited flexibility and longer travel times. (依赖公共交通的缺点包括灵活性有限和旅行时间较长。)
15. The
drawbacks of the new regulations were discussed at length during the conference. (在会议期间详细讨论了新规定的缺点。)
16. The
drawbacks associated with this investment outweigh the potential benefits. (与这项投资相关的缺点超过了潜在的好处。)
17. The
drawbacks of the current system are preventing efficient workflow. (当前系统的缺点妨碍了高效的工作流程。)
18. The
drawbacks of the product were highlighted in the customer reviews. (产品的缺点在客户评论中得到了突出。)
19. Despite its
drawbacks, the new technology has revolutionized the industry. (尽管有其缺点,这项新技术已经彻底改变了行业。)
20. The main
drawback of this approach is the lack of scalability. (这种方法的主要缺点是缺乏可扩展性。)