1. 吸引人的,有魅力的
2. 惹人喜爱的,招人喜欢的
3. 劝诱的,引诱的
1. 上诉,申诉
appealing, attractive, charming
1. unappealing:不吸引人的,不惹人喜欢的
2. appealingly:有吸引力地,迷人地
attractive, charming, captivating, engaging, enchanting, enticing, fascinating
unappealing, unattractive, repulsive, repugnant
1. If you describe something or someone as appealing, you think that they are attractive or charming.
2. If you describe an action, plan, or idea as appealing, you mean that it seems to be a good idea or one that will be successful.
1. An appeal is a serious or formal request to someone in authority for a decision or for help in a difficult situation.
1. Attractive or interesting.
2. Liking or wanting something, especially because you think it is good, suitable, or right.
1. That book has an
appealing cover design. (那本书的封面设计很吸引人。)
2. The movie was
appealing to a wide audience. (这部电影吸引了广大观众。)
3. She has an
appealing smile. (她有一个迷人的笑容。)
4. The idea of a beach vacation is
appealing to me. (度假去海滩的想法很吸引我。)
1. The puppy had such
appealing eyes that no one could resist giving it a treat. (那只小狗有着如此迷人的眼睛,没有人能抵挡给它一些零食。)
2. The
appealing aroma of freshly baked bread filled the kitchen. (新鲜出炉的面包散发出诱人的香气,充满了厨房。)
3. The defendant made an
appealing plea for a reduced sentence. (被告方以一种恳求的态度请求减刑。)
4. The actress's
appealing performance won her numerous awards. (女演员迷人的表演为她赢得了众多奖项。)
5. The charity's
appealing message touched the hearts of many donors. (慈善机构的吸引人信息感动了许多捐赠者。)
6. The little girl's
appealing smile melted the hearts of everyone in the room. (小女孩迷人的笑容融化了房间里每个人的心。)
7. The
appealing scenery of the countryside attracts tourists from all over the world. (乡村迷人的风景吸引着来自世界各地的游客。)
8. The new product has an
appealing design that will surely catch consumers' attention. (这种新产品有一个吸引人的设计,一定会吸引消费者的注意。)
9. The advertisement uses an
appealing slogan to promote the brand. (广告使用一个吸引人的口号来推广品牌。)
10. The defendant's lawyer made an
appealing argument to the jury. (被告方的律师向陪审团提出了一个有说服力的论点。)
11. The smell of freshly brewed coffee is very
appealing to me. (新鲜煮的咖啡的香味对我很有吸引力。)
12. The
appealing prospect of a promotion motivated him to work harder. (晋升的吸引前景激励他更加努力工作。)
13. The
appealing taste of the dish made it a favorite among the restaurant's customers. (这道菜的味道很吸引人,成为餐厅顾客的最爱。)
14. The company's
appealing offer convinced many people to buy their product. (公司的吸引人优惠促销说服了很多人购买他们的产品。)
15. The defendant's
appealing lawyer argued for a lighter sentence. (被告方的辩护律师为减轻刑罚进行了辩护。)
16. The
appealing melody of the song stayed in my head all day. (这首歌的迷人旋律整天萦绕在我的脑海里。)
17. The actress's
appealing performance received rave reviews from critics. (女演员迷人的表演得到了评论家的好评。)
18. The
appealing colors of the painting brightened up the room. (画作迷人的色彩给房间增添了亮色。)
19. The charity made an
appealing plea for donations to help those in need. (慈善机构针对需要帮助的人发出了一个恳求捐款的呼吁。)
20. The
appealing design of the website attracted a lot of traffic. (网站的吸引人设计吸引了大量访问量。)