1. loutish [形容词] 笨拙的;粗鲁的;无礼的;愚蠢的。
1. lout [名词] 粗人;蠢人;愚笨的人。
2. clod [名词] 笨蛋;乡巴佬;粗人。
- loutish: 形容词,指行为粗鲁、无礼的特征。
- lout: 名词,指一个粗鲁、愚笨的人。
- clod: 名词,用于形容一个愚蠢、乡巴佬的人。
- boor: [名词] 粗鄙之人;举止粗俗的人。
- oaf: [名词] 笨蛋;呆子。
- brute: [名词] 野兽;残暴的人。
- lout: clod, boor, oaf, brute
- loutish: boorish, uncouth, crude, rude
- gentleman: [名词] 绅士;有教养的人。
- lady: [名词] 女士;淑女。
lout [名词]
1. If you call someone a lout, you are critical of them because they behave in a noisy, rude, or aggressive way, and they are considered to be rather stupid.
2. If you refer to a man as a lout, you mean that he behaves in a rough, impolite way and has no manners.
loutish [形容词]
If you describe a man or his behavior as loutish, you are critical of them because they behave in a noisy, rude, or aggressive way, and they are considered to be rather stupid.
lout [名词]
1. An uncouth and aggressive man or boy.
2. A stupid or awkward person.
loutish [形容词]
Boorish; uncouth.
- He acted like a lout at the party.
- The loutish behavior of the crowd was unacceptable.
- Don't be such a lout!
He walked in with a loutish manner, knocking over the chairs as he went. (他走进来时举止粗鲁,撞倒了椅子。)
She couldn't stand his loutish friends. (她受不了他那些粗鲁的朋友。)
The lout continued shouting and disturbing the peace. (那个粗人继续喊叫,打扰着宁静。)
He's nothing but a stupid lout. (他只是个愚蠢的蠢货。)
She was tired of dealing with the clods in her office. (她厌倦了与办公室里的乡巴佬们打交道。)
Don't be such a clod, use your brain! (别那么愚蠢,动动脑子!)
His loutish behavior embarrassed everyone at the party. (他的粗鲁行为让聚会上的每个人都感到尴尬。)
He was a brute, always looking for a fight. (他是个野兽,总是喜欢寻衅滋事。)
She found herself trapped in an elevator with a brute of a man. (她发现自己被一个粗鄙的男人困在电梯里。)
His loutish behavior alienated all his colleagues. (他粗鲁的行为使他的所有同事都疏远了他。)
She couldn't believe that her son had turned into such a lout. (她无法相信她的儿子变成了这样一个愚笨的人。)
He was known in the neighborhood as a lout who caused trouble. (他在邻里中以惹麻烦的粗人而闻名。)
His loutish behavior was a reflection of his upbringing. (他粗鲁的行为是他教养的反映。)
He was always surrounded by a group of louts who followed him everywhere. (他总是被一群跟在他后面的粗人包围着。)
She was tired of being treated like a lout just because she was from a small town. (她厌倦了仅仅因为她来自一个小镇就像一个粗人一样被对待。)
He was a lout, but she saw something good in him. (他是个粗人,但她看到了他身上的好处。)
Stop acting like a lout and show some respect! (别再像个粗人一样行事,表示点尊重!)
The loutish behavior of the fans caused the game to be cancelled. (球迷的粗鲁行为导致比赛被取消了。)
He was criticized for his loutish manners at the formal dinner. (他因在正式晚餐上的粗鲁举止而受到批评。)