1. 折磨的;受折磨的
2. 曲解的;扭曲的
3. 折磨人的;令人痛苦的
1. 受折磨的人;被虐待的人
2. 折磨;痛苦
1. agonized: 感到极度痛苦的
2. tormented: 受折磨的
3. harrowing: 令人痛苦的
4. anguished: 痛苦的
anguished, pained, tormented, anguished, agonized
comforted, content, relieved, satisfied
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
Tortured (adjective): If you describe something as tortured, you mean that it is extremely complicated, difficult, or full of difficulties.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
Tortured (adjective): Characterized by or involving excruciating or persistent pain or suffering.
1. His tortured past haunted him for years. (他痛苦的过去困扰着他多年。)
2. The artist's tortured expression conveyed his inner anguish. (艺术家扭曲的表情传达了他内心的痛苦。)
3. The prisoner's body showed signs of torture. (囚犯的身体显示出折磨的痕迹。)
4. She couldn't escape the tortured memories of her childhood. (她无法逃脱童年的痛苦记忆。)
5. The tortured screams echoed through the dungeon. (折磨的惨叫声在地牢中回荡。)
6. The tortured soul sought solace in art. (受折磨的灵魂在艺术中寻求安慰。)
7. His tortured mind kept him awake at night. (他痛苦的思绪使他夜不能寐。)
8. The tortured landscape reflected the devastation of war. (被折磨的景观反映了战争的破坏。)
9. She had a tortured relationship with her parents. (她与父母的关系很紧张。)
10. The novel delves into the tortured psyche of its protagonist. (这本小说深入探讨了主人公扭曲的心灵。)
11. The tortured prisoner finally revealed the location of the hidden treasure. (受折磨的囚犯最终透露了隐藏宝藏的地点。)
12. The tortured artist expressed his pain through his artwork. (那位备受折磨的艺术家通过作品表达了他的痛苦。)
13. He writhed in tortured agony on the ground. (他在地上痛苦地扭动着。)
14. The prisoner's tortured screams pierced the silence of the night. (囚犯痛苦的尖叫声刺破了夜晚的寂静。)
15. The detective uncovered the truth behind the tortured confession. (侦探揭示了虚假供词背后的真相。)
16. The tortured look on her face revealed the depth of her sorrow. (她脸上扭曲的表情显示出她的悲伤深度。)
17. The tortured history of the country left scars that are still visible today. (这个国家受到的折磨历史留下了至今仍可见的伤疤。)
18. The tortured prisoner begged for mercy. (受折磨的囚犯乞求宽恕。)
19. She had a tortured relationship with food due to her eating disorder. (由于饮食失调,她与食物之间的关系很紧张。)
20. The novel explores the tortured psyche of a serial killer. (这本小说探索了连环杀手扭曲的心灵。)