1. 向下的,下行的
2. 下降的,下坡的
3. 下等的,低级的
downwards (adv.) 向下
descending, downhill, downward-bound
upward, upward-bound
1. 下降,下坡
2. 向下的趋势
1. If an activity or process takes a downward course or turn, it becomes worse or less successful than it was before. (活动或过程) 走下坡路的
2. A downward movement or look is directed towards a lower place or position. 向下的
1. A downward is a downward movement or look. 下降
1. Going or pointing towards a lower position or level. (方向) 向下的
2. Reducing in amount or value. (数量或价值) 下降的,减少的
1. Towards a lower position or level. (方向) 向下地
1. We watched the plane's downward descent. (我们看着飞机向下降落。)
2. The economy is showing signs of a downward trend. (经济显示出下降趋势的迹象。)
3. The hiker carefully navigated the downward slope. (徒步旅行者小心翼翼地穿越下坡。)
- The stock market took a downward turn yesterday. (昨天股市出现了下跌。)
- She felt a downward pull as the elevator descended. (电梯下降时,她感到一种向下的拉力。)
- The company's profits have been on a downward trend for the past year. (公司的利润在过去一年里一直呈下降趋势。)
- He lost his balance and began a downward slide. (他失去平衡,开始向下滑动。)
- The doctor warned about the downward spiral of the patient's health. (医生警告患者的健康状况正在恶化。)
- The hiker cautiously descended the downward path. (徒步旅行者小心翼翼地下降了这条下坡道。)
- The waterfall cascaded downward into the pool below. (瀑布向下倾泻到下面的水池中。)
- The team's performance has been on a downward trajectory since the coach left. (自教练离开以来,球队的表现一直在下滑。)
- The economy is experiencing a downward spiral due to the global recession. (由于全球经济衰退,经济正在经历一次下降螺旋。)
- She watched the kite's downward descent with excitement. (她兴奋地看着风筝向下降落。)
- The company needs to address the downward trend in sales. (公司需要解决销售下降的趋势。)
- He carefully maneuvered the car down the downward slope. (他小心地驾驶汽车下坡。)
- The skier sped down the downward slope. (滑雪者飞快地滑下下坡。)
- The downward pressure on prices is affecting the market. (价格下降的压力正在影响市场。)
- The mountain climber began his downward descent from the peak. (登山者从山顶开始下降。)
- The company is facing a downward trend in customer satisfaction. (公司面临着客户满意度下降的趋势。)
- The bird swooped downward to catch its prey. (鸟迅速俯冲捕捉猎物。)
- She felt a downward pull as the elevator descended. (电梯下降时,她感到一种向下的拉力。)
- The river flowed downward towards the valley. (河流向下流向山谷。)
- His career took a downward turn after the scandal. (丑闻爆发后,他的职业生涯出现了下滑。)
- The downward trend in the housing market has affected property prices. (房地产市场的下降趋势影响了房价。)