accede [verb]
1. 同意;答应(某人的请求、要求等)
- The chairman acceded to their demands and agreed to negotiate.(主席同意了他们的要求并同意进行谈判。)
- She finally acceded to her father's wishes and took over the family business.(她最终答应了父亲的愿望并接管了家族企业。)
2. 就任;就职
- The new president will accede to office next month.(新总统将于下个月就职。)
- He acceded to the throne at the age of 25.(他在25岁时登上王位。)
3. 加入;参加
- China acceded to the World Trade Organization in 2001.(中国于2001年加入了世界贸易组织。)
- Several countries have acceded to the treaty.(几个国家已经加入了该条约。)
4. 后继;继位
- He acceded to his father's position as CEO of the company.(他继承了父亲在公司的首席执行官职位。)
- The queen acceded to the throne in 1952.(女王于1952年即位。)
5. (尤指经过努力)获得,得到
- She finally acceded to her dream of becoming a professional dancer.(她终于实现了成为职业舞者的梦想。)
- He acceded to fame through his exceptional talent.(他凭借卓越的才能获得了名声。)
accede [adjective]
1. accede to / agree to / consent to
这几个短语都表示同意或答应某人的请求、要求等,但使用场景略有不同。accede to强调在一定条件下同意或答应,通常涉及更正式的事务或决策;agree to表示在交谈或讨论后同意或答应,通常涉及较为普通的请求或建议;consent to强调在经过仔细考虑或请求后同意或答应。
- He acceded to the chairman's request for a meeting.(他同意了主席召开会议的请求。)
- She agreed to my proposal to go on a trip together.(她同意了我的出行提议。)
- The government consented to the demands of the protesters.(政府同意了抗议者的要求。)
2. accede to power / ascend to the throne
这两个短语都表示就任某种权力或地位,但使用场景略有不同。accede to power指的是就任政治、组织或职位的权力,通常用于描述民主选举或组织内部的权力交接;ascend to the throne指的是登上君主制国家的王位,通常用于描述君主的继位。
- The new president will accede to power next week.(新总统将于下周就任。)
- Prince William will ascend to the throne after the current queen's reign ends.(威廉王子将在现任女王任期结束后登上王位。)
3. accede to a treaty / join an organization
这两个短语都表示加入某个组织或签署某个条约,但使用场景略有不同。accede to a treaty指的是同意或加入某个条约,通常用于描述国家之间的加入或签署;join an organization指的是加入某个组织,通常用于描述个人或团体的加入。
- China acceded to the United Nations Charter in 1971.(中国于1971年加入了联合国宪章。)
- He decided to join the company as a full-time employee.(他决定以正式员工的身份加入该公司。)
1. accession [noun] 继位;就职
- His accession to the throne was celebrated with great pomp and ceremony.(他登上王位的庆典盛大而隆重。)
- The company announced the accession of their new CEO.(该公司宣布了他们新任首席执行官的就职。)
2. accedence / accedency [noun] 同意;接受
- The accedence of their proposal by the board was a significant victory.(董事会对他们的提案的接受是一次重要的胜利。)
- Her accedency to the committee's decision was essential for its implementation.(她对委员会决议的接受对其落实至关重要。)
consent, agree, comply, assent
refuse, deny, reject, dissent
accede [verb]
1. If you accede to someone's request, you do what they ask.
2. If you accede to a job, position, or title, especially a very important one, you take it on.
3. If a country accedes to an agreement or group, it becomes a member of it.
accede [verb]
1. Assent or agree to a demand, request, or treaty.
2. Assume an office or position.
3. (accede to) Become a party to an agreement or treaty.
1. accede to + request/demand
- The government acceded to their demands for higher wages.(政府同意了他们要求加薪的要求。)
- He acceded to her request for a loan.(他答应了她的贷款请求。)
2. accede to + power/position/throne
- The new prime minister will accede to power next month.(新首相将于下个月就任。)
- Prince Charles is next in line to accede to the throne.(查尔斯王子是继位的下一位。)
3. accede to + agreement/treaty/organization
- The country acceded to the Paris Agreement on climate change.(该国加入了《巴黎气候协定》。)
- They decided to accede to the organization's rules and regulations.(他们决定遵守该组织的规定。)
- He acceded to my request for additional funding.(他同意了我的额外资金申请。)
- She finally acceded to his pleas and forgave him.(她最终答应了他的请求并原谅了他。)
- The board acceded to their demands for better working conditions.(董事会同意了他们对更好工作条件的要求。)
- The new CEO will accede to office next week.(新任首席执行官将于下周就职。)
- He acceded to the position of chairman after a unanimous vote.(他在一致投票后就任了主席职位。)
- The prince will accede to the throne upon his father's abdication.(王子将在父亲退位后继承王位。)
- China acceded to the World Trade Organization in 2001.(中国于2001年加入了世界贸易组织。)
- Several countries have acceded to the treaty, pledging their support.(几个国家已经加入了该条约,承诺提供支持。)
- She finally acceded to her dream of becoming a professional dancer.(她终于实现了成为职业舞者的梦想。)
- He acceded to fame through his exceptional talent and hard work.(他凭借卓越的才能和努力获得了名声。)
- The chairman acceded to their request for a pay raise.(主席同意了他们要求加薪的请求。)
- She agreed to his proposal to travel around the world together.(她同意了他一起环游世界的提议。)
- The government consented to the demands of the protesters.(政府同意了抗议者的要求。)
- The new president will accede to power next month.(新总统将于下个月就职。)
- Prince William will ascend to the throne after the current queen's reign ends.(威廉王子将在现任女王任期结束后登上王位。)
- China acceded to the United Nations Charter in 1971.(中国于1971年加入了联合国宪章。)
- He decided to join the company as a full-time employee.(他决定以正式员工的身份加入该公司。)
- The accedence of their proposal by the board was a significant victory.(董事会对他们的提案的接受是一次重要的胜利。)
- The company announced the accession of their new CEO.(该公司宣布了他们新任首席执行官的就职。)
- She acceded to his demands and signed the contract.(她同意了他的要求并签署了合同。)
- They refused to accede to our proposal and insisted on their own terms.(他们拒绝接受我们的建议,坚持自己的条件。)