中英词典 - dodger
dodger (名词):A dodger is a person who avoids doing something that they ought to do.
dodger (名词):A dodger is a person who avoids paying a particular tax or charge.
dodger (名词):A dodger is a person who owns or drives a Dodge vehicle.
dodger (名词):A dodger is a ball that is thrown in a way that is difficult for the batter to hit.
dodger (名词):A person who avoids doing something by being dishonest or by not doing what they promised.
dodger (名词):A person who avoids paying a tax or a charge.
dodger (名词):A person who owns or drives a Dodge vehicle.
dodger (名词):A ball that is difficult to hit in baseball or cricket.
1. He's a dodger who always finds a way to avoid taking responsibility for his actions. (他是一个总能找到办法回避对自己行为负责的人。)
2. The tax dodger was fined for avoiding paying his fair share. (那个逃税者因避免支付应负的公平份额而被罚款。)
3. She's a proud dodger owner and loves driving her Dodge Charger. (她是一位自豪的道奇车车主,喜欢驾驶她的道奇Charger。)
4. The pitcher threw a fast dodger that the batter couldn't hit. (投手投出了一个快速的躲避球,击球手无法击中。)
5. He's always been a dodger, avoiding difficult questions and changing the topic. (他一直是个回避者,避免回答困难的问题,转换话题。)
6. The tax evader was caught and charged for his illegal activities. (那个避税者被抓住并因其非法活动而被起诉。)
7. The shirker managed to dodge his duties once again. (逃避者再次设法逃避了他的职责。)
8. The eluder escaped from the police by driving recklessly. (逃避者通过鲁莽驾驶成功逃离了警方。)
9. The escaper fled the scene before the authorities arrived. (逃亡者在当局到达之前逃离了现场。)
10. The confrontor faced the difficult situation head-on. (面对困难局面的人毫不畏惧地直面了。)
11. The encounterer bravely confronted the challenges that came his way. (勇敢地应对了他所面临的挑战的人。)
12. He's a straight talker and never dodges the blame for his mistakes. (他是个直言不讳的人,从不回避自己的错误责任。)
13. The dodgeball game was intense and everyone was trying to avoid getting hit. (躲避球比赛非常激烈,每个人都在努力避免被击中。)
14. He always tries to dodge questions about his past. (他总是试图回避有关他过去的问题。)
15. She managed to dodge the blame for the project's failure. (她设法推卸了项目失败的责任。)
16. The dodger was skilled at avoiding the tax authorities. (这个逃税者擅长躲避税务部门。)
17. The tax avoider was caught and fined for his illegal activities. (那个避税者因其非法活动被抓住并处以罚款。)
18. He proudly showed off his new Dodge Challenger to his friends. (他自豪地向朋友们展示他的新道奇Challenger。)
19. The dodger in the dodgeball game was difficult to hit. (躲避球比赛中的躲避者很难击中。)
20. The batter swung and missed the dodger thrown by the pitcher. (击球手挥棒但没有击中投手投出的躲避球。)