1. 显眼的;显著的:
Conspicuous means easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable.
- a conspicuous sign(显眼的标志)
- a conspicuous success(显著的成功)
2. 引人注目的;显而易见的:
If something or someone is conspicuous, they attract attention because they are very noticeable or easy to see.
- a conspicuous absence(显而易见的缺席)
- a conspicuous lack of enthusiasm(明显缺乏热情)
1. 显著性;引人注目:
Conspicuousness is the quality of being noticeable or attracting attention.
- the conspicuousness of his bald patch(他的秃顶非常引人注目)
- the conspicuousness of the advertisement(广告的显著性)
conspicuous, noticeable, and outstanding都可以用来描述引人注目或突出的事物或人,但它们有一些微妙的区别:
- conspicuous意味着易于看到或注意到,通常指在环境中与众不同或格外引人注目的事物。
- noticeable意味着引人注目,但可能不如conspicuous强调出众或显著。
- outstanding则强调在质量、功绩或重要性上超越其他事物或人,因此更强调卓越或杰出。
形容词:obvious, prominent, eye-catching, striking
名词:visibility, salience, notability, distinctness
conspicuous, noticeable, prominent, remarkable, striking, outstanding, impressive
inconspicuous, unnoticeable, invisible, hidden
1. If someone or something is conspicuous, people can see or notice them very easily.
2. If someone feels conspicuous, they feel as if people are looking at them and notice them very clearly.
1. The conspicuousness of something is the fact that it is conspicuous.
2. If someone is conspicuous by their absence, people notice that they are not present.
1. Standing out so as to be clearly visible.
2. Attracting notice or attention.
1. The state or fact of being easily seen or noticed.
2. Noticeable by its absence.
- conspicuous consumption(炫耀性消费)
- conspicuous by its absence(引人注目的缺席)
- conspicuous success(显著的成功)
- conspicuous display(显眼的陈列)
- The bird's bright feathers make it conspicuous in the forest. (这只鸟鲜艳的羽毛使它在森林中非常显眼。)
- The company logo was conspicuously displayed on the front of the building. (公司的标志在大楼正面被醒目地展示出来。)
- Her conspicuous absence from the meeting was noted by everyone. (她在会议上明显的缺席被大家注意到了。)
- The celebrity tried to avoid being conspicuous in public. (这位名人试图在公众场合避免引人注目。)
- The conspicuousness of the new sculpture drew a lot of attention. (这座新雕塑的显著性引起了很多关注。)
- The conspicuous success of the product led to increased sales. (该产品的显著成功导致了销售的增长。)
- The conspicuous lack of enthusiasm among the team members was concerning. (团队成员明显缺乏热情令人担忧。)
- Her large hat made her conspicuous in the crowd. (她戴着一顶大帽子,在人群中非常显眼。)
- The conspicuousness of the billboard ensured that it caught the attention of drivers. (广告牌的显著性确保了它吸引了司机的注意力。)
- The politician's conspicuous absence at the event was criticized by the press. (政治家在这个事件中明显的缺席受到了新闻界的批评。)
- The conspicuous display of wealth angered many people. (财富的显眼展示激怒了许多人。)
- His conspicuous talent for music was recognized at a young age. (他年轻时就被认可了他在音乐方面显著的才华。)
- The celebrity's conspicuous behavior attracted a lot of media attention. (这位名人引人注目的行为吸引了很多媒体的关注。)
- The conspicuous presence of security guards made the guests feel safe. (保安人员的显眼存在使客人感到安全。)
- The conspicuousness of the red car made it easy to spot in the parking lot. (红色小车的显著性使它在停车场容易被找到。)
- The conspicuous lack of progress in the project was a cause for concern. (项目中显著的进展不足引起了担忧。)
- The celebrity's conspicuous wealth was evident in their extravagant lifestyle. (这位名人显著的财富在他们奢华的生活方式中显而易见。)
- The conspicuous success of the film led to its international acclaim. (这部电影的显著成功使其获得了国际赞誉。)
- His conspicuous efforts to help others were recognized and appreciated. (他帮助他人的显著努力得到了认可和赞赏。)
- The conspicuous lack of diversity in the company's leadership team was criticized. (公司领导团队明显的缺乏多样性受到了批评。)
- The conspicuous advertising campaign increased the brand's visibility. (显著的广告活动增加了品牌的知名度。)
- The conspicuous absence of any mention of the issue raised suspicion. (对该问题没有任何提及的明显缺席引起了怀疑。)