1. 相反的,对立的
- 英文解释:disagreeing with or disapproving of something or someone
- 例句:
- She is opposed to the idea of raising taxes.(她反对提高税收的想法。)
- The two parties are opposed on this issue.(两个党派在这个问题上持不同意见。)
2. 敌对的,敌对国家的
- 英文解释:of or belonging to a political party or group that is against or disagrees with another party or group
- 例句:
- The two nations have been in opposed alliances for years.(这两个国家多年来一直处于敌对联盟关系。)
- The government faces strong opposition from the opposed party.(政府面临来自敌对党派的强烈反对。)
1. 反对者,对立者
- 英文解释:a person who disagrees with or disapproves of something or someone
- 例句:
- The motion was passed despite the strong opposition of the opposed.(尽管遭到反对者的强烈反对,该动议还是通过了。)
- The two opposed couldn't find a common ground.(两个对立者找不到共同点。)
1. oppose vs. support
- oppose:表示反对或不同意。
- support:表示支持或赞同。
2. opposed vs. opposing
- opposed:作形容词,表示相反的或对立的。
- opposing:作形容词,表示对立的或相对立的。
1. be opposed to:反对
2. opposed forces:对立势力
3. opposed views:对立观点
4. opposed factions:对立派系
1. against
2. contrary
3. conflicting
4. at odds with
1. in favor of
2. supportive
3. agreeable
4. aligned
opposed (adj.)
1. If you are opposed to something, you disagree with it or disapprove of it.
2. Opposed politicians or groups disagree about what should be done about a particular issue.
3. Opposed forces or groups are fighting or competing against each other.
opposed (adj.)
1. Disagreeing with or disapproving of something or someone.
2. Of or belonging to a political party or group that is against or disagrees with another party or group.
1. He is strongly opposed to the death penalty.(他坚决反对死刑。)
2. The two nations are opposed on trade policies.(这两个国家在贸易政策上存在分歧。)
3. The minister's decision faced strong opposition from the opposed party.(部长的决定遭到了来自敌对党派的强烈反对。)
4. The opposed groups clashed during the protest.(反对派在抗议中发生冲突。)
1. The majority of the population is opposed to the new tax law.(大多数人反对新的税法。)
2. The two parties have always been opposed on the issue of healthcare.(这两个党派在医疗保健问题上一直存在分歧。)
3. She is opposed to any form of discrimination.(她反对任何形式的歧视。)
4. The opposed groups held peaceful demonstrations to express their disagreement.(反对派举行了和平示威来表达他们的不同意见。)
5. The opposed politicians debated fiercely during the televised debate.(在电视辩论中,反对派政治家进行了激烈的辩论。)
6. The government's decision was met with strong opposition from the opposed party.(政府的决定遭到了反对党的强烈反对。)
7. The two opposed factions have been engaged in a bitter rivalry for years.(这两个对立派系多年来一直处于激烈的竞争关系。)
8. The opposed views on education reform hindered progress in the parliament.(对教育改革的不同观点阻碍了议会的进展。)
9. The opposed forces clashed in a violent confrontation.(对立势力在一次激烈的对抗中发生了冲突。)
10. The opposed candidates for president presented their contrasting visions for the country.(总统候选人提出了他们截然不同的对国家的愿景。)
11. The opposed parties reached a compromise after lengthy negotiations.(经过长时间的谈判,对立党派达成了妥协。)
12. The opposed groups have different objectives and strategies.(对立的团体有不同的目标和策略。)
13. She is an outspoken opposed of racism.(她是一个坚决反对种族主义的直言不讳者。)
14. The opposed views on immigration policy reflect the deep divisions in society.(对移民政策的不同观点反映了社会的深刻分歧。)
15. The opposed parties held a series of debates to discuss the issues.(对立党派举行了一系列的辩论来讨论这些问题。)
16. The opposed factions are vying for control of the company.(对立派系争夺公司的控制权。)
17. The opposed politicians engaged in a war of words during the election campaign.(选举期间,对立的政治家进行了口水战。)
18. The opposed groups have different priorities and agendas.(对立的团体有不同的优先事项和议程。)
19. The opposed forces signed a ceasefire agreement to end the conflict.(对立势力签署了停火协议以结束冲突。)
20. The opposed candidates presented contrasting policies on economic reform.(对立的候选人对经济改革提出了对立的政策。)