1. refined形式: 形容词
中文翻译: 精致的,优雅的
词义: 表示优雅、精致或高雅的品质或特点。
- She has a refined taste in art. (她在艺术方面有着高雅的品味。)
- He spoke with a refined accent. (他讲话带着一种优雅的口音。)
1. refinement形式: 名词
中文翻译: 精致,提炼
词义: 表示精细、高雅或提炼的行为、过程或结果。
- The refinement of this dish lies in its simplicity. (这道菜的精髓在于它的简洁。)
- The refinement of the design took several months. (设计的提炼花费了几个月的时间。)
1. unrefined
中文翻译: 粗糙的,未加工的词义: 表示未经处理或改进的,缺乏优雅或精致的特质。
- He had unrefined manners that offended many people. (他的举止粗鲁冒犯了许多人。)
- She prefers unrefined sugar over refined sugar. (她更喜欢未加工的糖而不是精制糖。)
2. refinement's
中文翻译: 精炼的,精制的词义: 表示经过精细处理或改进的,具有高度纯净或高质量的特点。
- The refinement's process removes impurities from the oil. (精炼的过程将杂质从油中去除。)
- The refinement's techniques used in this production ensure its exceptional quality. (在这个生产过程中使用的精制技术保证了其卓越的质量。)
1. elegance
中文翻译: 优雅词义: 表示高雅、优美或精致的特质。
- Her dress exudes elegance and sophistication. (她的衣服流露出优雅和复杂。)
- The interior design of the house reflects a sense of elegance. (房子的室内设计体现出一种优雅的感觉。)
2. sophistication
中文翻译: 复杂,高雅词义: 表示复杂、精细或高雅的特质。
- The technology used in this car's engine is of great sophistication. (这款汽车引擎中使用的技术非常复杂。)
- His taste in art shows a level of sophistication. (他对艺术的品味显示出一种高度的复杂性。)
1. coarseness
中文翻译: 粗糙,粗俗词义: 表示粗糙、粗俗或缺乏优雅的特质。
- His coarseness of language offended everyone in the room. (他粗俗的言辞冒犯了房间里的每个人。)
- The coarseness of the fabric made it uncomfortable to wear. (面料的粗糙使得穿着不舒适。)
refinement (noun)
- The process of improving something, especially by making small changes. (提炼;改进)
- A small change made to something that improves it. (改进;改良)
- Polite, well-controlled, and socially acceptable behavior. (彬彬有礼;文雅)
- Something that is refined is polite, well-controlled, and socially acceptable. (文雅的;有修养的)
refinement (noun)
- The process of removing impurities or unwanted elements from a substance. (提纯;提炼)
- A small change that improves something. (改进;改良)
- The quality of being very polite or having good manners. (文雅;有教养)
- A thing that is the result of an improvement or development. (改进的成果;改良品)
1. "The refinement of the design" (设计的提炼) 例句中,"refinement"指的是对设计的改进或提炼。
2. "Her refined taste in fashion" (她在时尚方面的高雅品味) 例句中,"refined"表示她对时尚的优雅品味。
- The refinement of this dish lies in its simplicity. (这道菜的精髓在于它的简洁。)
- He spoke with a refined accent. (他讲话带着一种优雅的口音。)
- She has a refined taste in art. (她在艺术方面有着高雅的品味。)
- The refinement of the design took several months. (设计的提炼花费了几个月的时间。)
- He had unrefined manners that offended many people. (他的举止粗鲁冒犯了许多人。)
- She prefers unrefined sugar over refined sugar. (她更喜欢未加工的糖而不是精制糖。)
- The elegance of her outfit caught everyone's attention. (她衣服的优雅吸引了所有人的注意。)
- The interior design of the house reflects a sense of elegance. (房子的室内设计体现出一种优雅的感觉。)
- The technology used in this car's engine is of great sophistication. (这款汽车引擎中使用的技术非常复杂。)
- His taste in art shows a level of sophistication. (他对艺术的品味显示出一种高度的复杂性。)
- His coarseness of language offended everyone in the room. (他粗俗的言辞冒犯了房间里的每个人。)
- The coarseness of the fabric made it uncomfortable to wear. (面料的粗糙使得穿着不舒适。)
- The refinement of the design is evident in its sleek lines. (设计的精炼在其流线型中显而易见。)
- The refinement's process removes impurities from the oil. (精炼的过程将杂质从油中去除。)
- The refinement's techniques used in this production ensure its exceptional quality. (在这个生产过程中使用的精制技术保证了其卓越的质量。)
- Her dress exudes elegance and sophistication. (她的衣服流露出优雅和复杂。)
- He lacks the refinement to appreciate classical music. (他缺乏鉴赏古典音乐的修养。)
- The refinement of this perfume comes from its carefully selected ingredients. (这款香水的精制来自于其精心挑选的成分。)
- She has refined her painting technique through years of practice. (她通过多年的实践精炼了她的绘画技术。)
- The refinement of his manners impressed the guests at the party. (他的举止优雅给聚会上的客人留下了深刻印象。)