"cells"与"prison cells"的区别在于前者指的是细胞或电池等物体,而后者特指囚室。
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)定义
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)定义
- The human body is made up of trillions of cells.(人体由数万亿个细胞组成。)
- He spent 10 years in a prison cell.(他在囚室里度过了10年。)
- My phone's battery is running low, I need to charge it.(我的手机电量不足,需要充电。)
- They were locked in separate cells.(他们被关在不同的牢房里。)
- The remote control requires two AA cells.(这个遥控器需要两节AA电池。)
- The honeycomb structure is made up of numerous cells.(蜂窝结构由许多小孔组成。)
- She replaced the dead cells in the flashlight with new ones.(她用新的电池替换了手电筒中的废弃电池。)
- He was confined to a tiny cell for 24 hours a day.(他每天被关在一个小牢房里24小时。)
- She studies the behavior of cells under a microscope.(她在显微镜下研究细胞的行为。)
- The solar panel consists of multiple cells that convert sunlight into electricity.(太阳能电池板由多个将阳光转换为电能的电池组成。)
- The prisoner was released from his cell after serving his sentence.(罪犯在服完刑期后被释放出牢房。)
- The cells in the battery need to be replaced.(电池中的电池芯需要更换。)
- She was found guilty and sentenced to life in a maximum-security cell.(她被判有罪,并被判在一间最高安全级别的牢房服刑终身监禁。)
- The beehive is made up of hexagonal cells.(蜂巢由六边形的巢室构成。)
- She was arrested and locked in a cell overnight.(她被逮捕并被关在一个牢房里过夜。)
- Each room in the hotel is equipped with a safety deposit box.(酒店的每个房间都配有一个保险箱。)
- The cells of the body work together to perform various functions.(身体的细胞共同协作来执行各种功能。)
- They discovered a new type of cell in the human brain.(他们在人脑中发现了一种新型细胞。)
- He was placed in solitary confinement in a tiny cell.(他被关进一个小牢房的单人禁闭室。)
- The flashlight requires three D cells to function.(手电筒需要三节D电池才能工作。)
- The prison cell was small and cramped.(牢房又小又拥挤。)