1. 在舞台上的:指发生在舞台上的活动或表演。
英文:on stage
- She is a talented actress and has performed in many staging productions.(她是一名才华横溢的女演员,已经在许多舞台剧中演出过。)
- The staging performance was well-received by the audience.(这个舞台表演得到了观众的好评。)
2. 测试阶段的:指在软件开发过程中进行的测试和调试阶段。
英文:pertaining to a testing phase
- The software is currently in the staging phase and will be released soon.(该软件目前处于测试阶段,即将发布。)
- We need to fix the bugs discovered during the staging process.(我们需要修复在测试阶段发现的错误。)
1. 分期:指将一个大型工程或项目划分为不同的阶段进行。
英文:division into stages
- The staging of the construction project allowed for better management and control.(将建设项目分期进行有助于更好地管理和控制。)
- The project will be completed in three stages, with each stage having specific goals and timelines.(该项目将分三个阶段完成,每个阶段都有具体的目标和时间表。)
2. 舞台设计:指舞台上布置和搭建的一切装置和道具。
英文:the arrangement and construction of everything on stage
- The staging for the play was elaborate and created a visually stunning atmosphere.(该剧的舞台设计精心细致,营造出视觉上令人惊叹的氛围。)
- The staging team worked tirelessly to create a realistic and immersive set.(舞台设计团队不辞辛劳地打造了一个逼真而身临其境的舞台布景。)
staging和staging area的区别:
1. staging:指分期进行或在舞台上的活动,通常涉及事件、表演或项目。
2. staging area:指为特定目的而设置的临时区域,例如在军事行动中的前沿基地或在建筑工地中的材料堆放区。
- stage(名词):舞台、阶段
- stage(动词):上演、举办
- staged(形容词):舞台的、分期的
- stager(名词):舞台设计师
- performance(表演)
- presentation(演示)
- exhibition(展览)
- show(展示)
- conclusion(结论)
- completion(完成)
- ending(结束)
- closure(关闭)
- the process or manner of putting on a play on the stage
- the stage setting or scenery of a play
- the process of building a stage or temporary structure as a support for something else
- the classification of the severity of a disease
- of or relating to the practice of staging plays or other public performances
- of or relating to a stage or stages
- of, relating to, or characteristic of a stage or stages
- of or relating to a temporary structure, such as scaffolding, used in building
- the process or manner of presenting a play on stage
- the stage setting or scenery of a play
- the classification of the severity of a disease, especially cancer
- relating to or in the form of a stage or stages
1. The staging of the play was well-executed.(这场戏的上演非常成功。)
2. The staging area was set up to organize the equipment.(临时区域被设置来组织设备。)
3. They are in the staging phase of the project.(他们正在项目的分期阶段。)
4. The staging team is responsible for designing the set and props.(舞台设计团队负责设计布景和道具。)
5. The staging of the disease determines the appropriate treatment.(疾病的分期决定了适当的治疗方法。)
- The staging of the musical impressed the audience with its elaborate sets and lighting effects.(这部音乐剧的舞台设计以其精心布置的场景和灯光效果给观众留下了深刻印象。)
- During the staging process, the actors rehearsed their lines and practiced their choreography.(在排练过程中,演员们排练台词并练习舞蹈动作。)
- The staging of the event required months of preparation and coordination.(这个活动的筹备和协调工作需要几个月的时间。)
- The staging area for the concert was filled with equipment and instruments.(音乐会的临时区域里摆满了设备和乐器。)
- The staging of the play involved intricate set changes and quick costume swaps.(该剧的舞台布景需要复杂的变换以及快速的服装更换。)
- They are currently in the staging phase of the construction project, working on the foundation and structural framework.(他们目前正在建设项目的分期阶段,进行基础和结构框架工作。)
- The staging team carefully considered the lighting design to create the desired atmosphere for the performance.(舞台设计团队仔细考虑了灯光设计,以营造出演出所需的氛围。)
- The staging of the disease revealed it to be in an advanced stage, requiring immediate treatment.(疾病的分期显示其处于晚期,需要立即治疗。)
- The staging of the cancer determined the appropriate course of action for the patient.(癌症的分期决定了患者的适当治疗方案。)
- The staging area was set up near the construction site to store materials and equipment.(临时区域在施工现场附近设立,用于存放材料和设备。)
- The staging of the concert involved a large team of technicians and crew members.(音乐会的舞台搭建需要一大批技术人员和工作人员。)
- They are staging a production of Shakespeare's Hamlet next month.(下个月他们将上演莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》。)
- The staging of the exhibition showcased the artist's diverse range of works.(展览的布置展示了艺术家多样化的作品范围。)
- We need to finalize the staging details before the event.(活动前我们需要最终确定舞台布置的细节。)
- The staging of the play required extensive collaboration between the set designers and the lighting technicians.(该剧的舞台设计需要舞台设计师和照明技术人员之间的广泛合作。)