1. 名词
fissure [ˈfɪʃər] (pl. fissures)
1) 裂缝;缝隙
2) 分歧;分裂
3) (大脑)裂;裂缝
2. 形容词
fissured [ˈfɪʃərd]
1. fissure vs. crevice vs. crack
fissure 指长度较长、较深的裂缝,常用于地质学或解剖学的描述。
crevice 指较窄、较浅的裂缝,常形容岩石、木材或其他物体表面的小裂缝。
crack 是一个更普遍的词汇,可以指任何类型的裂缝,长度和深度都有所变化。
2. fissure vs. rift
fissure 通常指表面的裂缝,如地震引起的地壳裂缝,也可用于比喻性的描述。
rift 则更常用于形容地壳板块的分离,或两个组织、团体之间的分裂。
1. 名词
1) narrow fissure:狭缝
2) deep fissure:深裂缝
3) brain fissure:大脑裂缝
4) volcanic fissure:火山裂缝
5) social fissure:社会分裂
6) political fissure:政治分歧
2. 形容词
1) wide fissure:宽缝
2) narrow fissure:狭缝
3) long fissure:长裂缝
4) deep fissure:深裂缝
5) visible fissure:可见的裂缝
6) hidden fissure:隐藏的裂缝
1. 名词
crack, crevice, rift, split, gap, opening
2. 形容词
cracked, split, fractured, divided, cleft, broken
1. 名词
closure, unity, connection
2. 形容词
closed, united, connected
1) A fissure is a deep, narrow crack in something, especially in rock or in the ground.
2) A fissure is a deep split, especially in the ground.
3) A fissure is a serious disagreement or difference of opinion between people, especially between members of a society or organization.
1) A long, narrow opening or line of breakage made by cracking or splitting, especially in rock or earth.
2) A state of incompatibility or disagreement.
3) A groove or natural division, especially between lobes on the surface of the brain.
1. 名词
1) The earthquake caused a fissure in the ground.
2) The hiker slipped and fell into a deep fissure in the rocks.
3) There is a fissure between the two political parties on this issue.
2. 形容词
1) The old building had a fissured wall.
2) The drought caused the ground to become fissured.
3) The fissured society struggled to find common ground.
- The earthquake caused a fissure in the ground. (地震导致了地面的裂缝。)
- The hiker slipped and fell into a deep fissure in the rocks. (这名登山者滑倒并掉入岩石的深裂缝中。)
- There is a fissure between the two political parties on this issue. (在这个问题上,两个政党之间存在分歧。)
- The old building had a fissured wall. (这座老建筑的墙壁有裂痕。)
- The drought caused the ground to become fissured. (干旱导致地面出现裂缝。)
- The fissured society struggled to find common ground. (这个分裂的社会努力寻找共同点。)
- The geologists examined the narrow fissure in the rock. (地质学家们检查了岩石中的狭缝。)
- He fell and got a deep fissure in his leg. (他跌倒后腿上出现了一个深裂缝。)
- The political party is facing a potential fissure due to internal disagreements. (这个政党因内部分歧面临着潜在的分裂。)
- The volcanic eruption caused a fissure in the earth's crust. (火山喷发导致了地壳的裂缝。)
- She studied the brain fissures in order to understand the functions of different brain regions. (她研究大脑裂缝以了解不同脑区的功能。)
- The social fissure between the rich and the poor is widening. (富人与穷人之间的社会分裂正在加剧。)
- The company is experiencing a fissure between the management and the employees. (公司在管理层和员工之间出现了分裂。)
- His face had a visible fissure that had not fully healed. (他的脸上有一个尚未完全愈合的可见裂缝。)
- The hidden fissure in the wall was discovered during the renovation. (在装修期间发现了墙壁中的隐藏裂缝。)
- The cracked vase was beyond repair. (这个有裂痕的花瓶已经无法修复。)
- The divided opinions on the matter created a deep fissure in the community. (对此事的意见分歧在社区中形成了一道深深的分裂。)
- The cleft in the rock provided a natural shelter. (岩石的裂缝提供了一个天然的避难所。)
- The rift between the two siblings deepened over time. (这对兄弟姐妹之间的裂痕随着时间的推移越来越深。)
- The political party faced a major split over the proposed policy changes. (这个政党因提议的政策变革而面临重大分裂。)
- He could see a gap in the fence where he could squeeze through. (他看到了篱笆上的一个缺口,可以从中挤过去。)
- The opening in the wall allowed some light to enter the room. (墙壁上的开口使一些光线进入了房间。)