1. (音乐) 调制
2. (通信) 调制
3. (电子) 调制
4. (生物) 调节
5. (语言学) 变调
1. 调制的
2. 调整的
3. 变调的
1. modulation与modifying的区别: modulation强调通过调整或改变来产生变化,而modifying则强调通过修改或改动来产生变化。
2. modulation与adjustment的区别: modulation通常指通过改变或调整来达到不同的效果,而adjustment更侧重于微调或调节以使其达到适当的状态。
1. frequency modulation:频率调制
2. amplitude modulation:幅度调制
3. phase modulation:相位调制
4. pulse modulation:脉冲调制
5. voice modulation:声音调节
variation, change, adjustment, alteration, shift, modulation
stability, steadiness, fixity, constancy
modulation (noun)
- Modulation is a change in something such as the volume or tone of a musical instrument, or the way in which someone's voice sounds. (音乐)调节
- In electronics, modulation is the process of varying a low-frequency signal in order to use it to modify a higher frequency carrier wave. (通信)调制
- In music, modulation is the process or an instance of changing from one key into another. (音乐)调制
modulation (noun)
- The act or process of modulating. (音乐)调制
- The alteration of the amplitude or frequency of an electromagnetic wave or other oscillation in accordance with the variations of a second oscillation or signal. (通信)调制
- Transition from one key to another in a piece of music. (音乐)调制
1. The modulation of his voice made it difficult to discern his true feelings. (他声音的调节使人难以辨别他的真实感受。)
2. Frequency modulation is commonly used in radio broadcasting. (频率调制在无线电广播中常被使用。)
3. The song modulates from C major to A minor. (这首歌曲由C大调变为A小调。)
4. The modulation of the radio signal allows for clearer transmission. (无线电信号的调制使传输更加清晰。)
- The modulation of her voice expressed a range of emotions. (她声音的调节表达了一系列的情感。)
- The radio station uses amplitude modulation for its broadcasts. (该电台使用幅度调制进行广播。)
- The piece of music undergoes a key modulation in the second verse. (这首音乐在第二段发生了调式的变化。)
- Phase modulation is commonly used in digital communications. (相位调制在数字通信中常被使用。)
- He has a good sense of modulation and can adjust his tone to fit the situation. (他具备很好的调节感,可以根据情况调整语气。)
- The modulation of the guitar added a unique texture to the song. (吉他的调制为这首歌曲增添了独特的音质。)
- The radio host's modulation of his voice captivated the listeners. (广播节目主持人对声音的调节吸引了听众。)
- Frequency modulation allows for the transmission of multiple channels simultaneously. (频率调制可以同时传输多个频道。)
- The modulation of the light intensity created a calming effect in the room. (灯光强度的调节在房间里产生了一种平静的效果。)
- By using phase modulation, the data transmission rate can be increased. (通过使用相位调制,数据传输速率可以提高。)
- Her voice modulation was so smooth and melodic that it mesmerized the audience. (她声音的调节如此流畅而抑扬顿挫,使观众入迷。)
- The modulation of the synthesizer created a futuristic sound. (合成器的调制产生了一种未来感的声音。)
- Amplitude modulation is commonly used in broadcast radio. (幅度调制在广播电台中常被使用。)
- The modulation of the instrument gave the music a haunting quality. (乐器的调节给音乐带来了令人难忘的质感。)
- She studied the modulation of his facial expressions to understand his emotions. (她研究他面部表情的变化以理解他的情感。)
- The modulation of the signal allows for better reception in remote areas. (信号的调制使得在偏远地区能够更好地接收。)
- The song smoothly modulates between major and minor keys. (这首歌曲在大调和小调之间平稳地变化。)
- Phase modulation is used in digital audio recording to maintain signal integrity. (相位调制在数字音频录制中用于保持信号完整性。)
- The modulation of his speech conveyed a sense of authority and confidence. (他言语的调节传达了一种权威和自信的感觉。)
- The radio station switched to digital modulation for improved sound quality. (该电台改用数字调制以提高声音质量。)